We would like to personalize the unsubscribe page of newsletters. If you unsubscribe from the mailing list using the unsubscribe link at the bottom of a mail, the message "Your request has been processed" will only appear in a new window, but we would like to change this sentence to read The mail address XZ was successfully unsubscribed from the newsletter XYZ. This way, recipients of the mails can save this notification in order to present their unsubscription as proof in case they receive further e-mails.
We would like to personalize the unsubscribe page of newsletters. If you unsubscribe from the mailing list using the unsubscribe link at the bottom of a mail, the message "Your request has been processed" will only appear in a new window, but we would like to change this sentence to read The mail address XZ was successfully unsubscribed from the newsletter XYZ. This way, recipients of the mails can save this notification in order to present their unsubscription as proof in case they receive further e-mails.