109 results found
Segments stay fixed until campaign distribution
At the moment, segments update daily even for the scheduled campaigns. If you schedule a campaign to be sent out at a later date, the segment will look different than the one at the moment of campaign creation. For example, you schedule a campaign to be sent out in a few days and make a segment of the latest subscribers (added in the last day). The system calculates that there are a certain number of contacts that the campaign will be distributed to. However, at the moment when the campaign is being actually sent out, there will be no email…
1 vote -
Validate DNS MX status upon sending
List DNS status for any e-mail domain added as a contact
1 vote -
Add note about segmentation calculation results delay in pleaces where segmentation is described or used
For segmentation there is a note in documentation:
"Please note: Any changes made to the list within the last hour will not be considered in your test. However, this is not the case if a segment is used to send a campaign."This not is only written in segmentation documentation and nowhere else which if someone missed it makes segment calculation results confusing.
it would be worth adding this information to all places where segmentation is described - eg. im working with API, would be nice to see this note also there and even better also show it on segmentation…
1 vote -
Remembered unsubscription status
Regarding the issue where a contact unsubscribes from one of our lists but will still recieve emails from us if said contact is on other lists.
Mailjet's answer to this is that if a contact wants to unsubscribe from several lists, which should be ca always? I need to remove the contact. But if I import my contact list again with this contact, there's no recollection of former unsubscription.
We're seeing an increased unsub rate due to this and contacts have been reaching out to us wondering why we're still emailing them. With the new inbox requirements from Gmail and…
7 votes -
Negative segments or Exception segments
It would be useful to have more flexibility with segmenting, or using segments in campaigns. For example, you can only choose the positive, not the negative, e.g. filter by "all who subscribed in the last month", but you can't choose neither in-segment, nor in-campaign, to "not" send to those people, or segment those who did "not" subscribe within the last month, therefore it's very difficult to send to the other group if you want to, without creating a brand new list. SO either a "not" drop down and adjustment to the descriptions when creating the segments, or a campaign option…
7 votes -
Allow users to order their contact list by A to Z in name/email or by date subscribed. Filtering is possible now, but ordering is not.
Order subscribers in contact lists by alphabetical order or date subscribed columns
3 votes -
Remove a contact from a work flow
I would like to have a way to remove spam emails from my workflow without using API.
1 vote -
Make a membernumber the unique identifikation in stead of mailadress
Make a membernumber the unique identifikation in stead of mailadress so we can make sure that we don't send to old mailadresses of our members. Sometimes we have uploade more mailadresses on the same member, if the membernumber was the unique identifikation we could make sure it did not happen.
4 votes -
Verifying Successful Contact Uploads (Multiple Chunks, Single List)
Dear Mailjet Support,
I'm using Mailjet's API to upload subscribed users to a specific contact list in chunks. While I understand the asynchronous nature of the process, I'd like to efficiently determine when all uploads have successfully completed for a single list.
Currently, I can check the total contact count in the list after all uploads are finished. However, I'm looking for a way to identify if any uploads are still in progress without iterating through individual job IDs.
Is there a mechanism within Mailjet's API or a recommended approach that helps signal the completion of all uploads for a…
1 vote -
Segmentation de liste sur une seule campagne
Je souhaiterai pouvoir sur la même campagne faire des listes segmentées afin de pouvoir avoir des statistiques en pourcentage sur une même campagne.
List segmentation on a single campaign
I would like to be able to make segmented lists on the same campaign in order to have statistics in percentages.Thank you for your help.
Pauline3 votes -
Bloquez tous les expéditeurs non validés par défaut !
On ne peut pas loquer toutes les adresses d'envoi non validées par défaut ?!
La gestion des adresses d'envoi n'est pas pratique du tout !
Les adresses supprimées reviennent !
Cela en devient super chronophage à la longue !
Au moins un bouton tout supprimer, please, ce serait pratique !
Merci !Block all non-validated senders by default!
Can't you block all non-validated senders by default?!
Sender address management is not practical at all!
Deleted addresses come back!
It becomes very time-consuming in the long run!
At least a delete all button, please, that would be practical!
Thanks…1 vote -
pouvoir supprimer des contacts inactifs
Hallucinant qu'un acteur comme vous ne permette pas de supprimer tous mes contacts qui n'ont pas ouvert de mail depuis XX jours et qui ne se sont pas de nouveaux abonnés sur les XX derniers jours (pour éviter de supprimer des nouveaux abonnés alors que je n'ai pas encore envoyé de newsletter par ex.).Je vous soumets li'dée du coup ;-)
Bonne fin de journée
delete inactive contacts
It's crazy that a player like you doesn't allow me to delete all my contacts who haven't opened an email in XX days and who haven't subscribed in…1 vote -
Deleting/Archiving Segments
Once a Segment has been created and used - it cannot be deleted. However, in most cases, I will not use that Segment again.
My Segment list is very cluttered. If I cannot delete it, is it possible to Archive it?
1 vote -
UPDATING YOUR CONTACT LIST - add another option
When I am UPDATING MY CONTACT LIST - I would prefer a 5th option:
"Update Contacts (don't add new; don't resubscribe)"I don't want accidental additions to my Contact List.
1 vote -
Optimización de contactos
Estaría bien implementar de alguna manera de importar por ejemplo, 100 contactos y que estos estén divididos en 5 listas de contacto, (20 contactos cada uno) y que automáticamente si actualicen las listas ya creadas, y/o se creen nuevas.
Lo digo porque nosotros tenemos muchas listas de contacto, y cada vez que tenemos que actualizar, perdemos muchísimo tiempo.
Contact optimization
Good.It would be nice to implement some way to import for example, 100 contacts and that these are divided into 5 contact lists, (20 contacts each) and automatically update the lists already created, and / or…
1 vote -
Access to Distribution Lists of Microsoft Outlook
In most of the cases companies own Microsoft Outlook with Distribution Lists containing email ids of their employees.
To be able to use the distribution lists of Microsoft Outlook instead of uploading Contact Lists, Authorization via Exchange Online is needed.1 vote -
Make adding new contacts MUCH easier please.
Hey there. New user. Genuinely like the service. I think that adding emails to the list is just wayyyyy to cumbersome and laborious. I met a few people at an event last night. They really wanted to be added to the list for future shows. I wished I could have just entered them in my phone and be done. Instead I have to write down their emails and then come to my desk, sign in (which is also very slow with the image ID thing) get to my lists, select the cog widget, and THEN go through 4 steps to…
5 votes -
Action to set subscription status based off external boolean CSV field
On the action list for importing contacts can we please have an option to be able to import and subscribe contacts based off a boolean in the CSV to support external lists of marketing (and then update contacts subscription status if they exist and based off the boolean)
1 vote -
Suppression automatique des listes de contact après la durée légale de conservation des données
Je suis intéressée par l'idée de pouvoir créer un paramètre au moment de la création d'une liste de contact qui donne la durée de conservation voulue de cette liste (pour se mettre au niveau du RGPD) par ex : 6 mois, 12 mois etc...
Et créer une routine qui permettrait de scanner chaque jour toutes les listes, et si la durée de conservation est atteinte, supprimer toute la liste de contact et envoyer un mail au compte pour donner l'information de cette suppression.
Cette idée permettrait de gérer plus facilement la politique RGPD et d'être automatiquement en règle avec celle-ci
2 votes -
Ajout champ à l'export d'une liste de contact
Afin d'optimiser le nettoyage des listes de contact :
Lors de l'export de la liste de contact, il faudrait un champ supplémentaire qui indique si le contact est présent ou non dans la liste d'exclusion.ENGLISH
Add field to contact list export
To optimize the cleaning of contact lists:
When exporting a contact list, an additional field should be added to indicate whether or not the contact is present in the exclusion list.2 votes
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