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  1. It could be cool to be notified when our address ip is denied with the information of the reason and time of the denial.

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  2. I would like to have an API end point that could be used to trigger a double opt in. Meaning that i would like to host a template that i would define that would trigger a DOI Mail with link all the details needed.

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  3. DKIM Key Size Specification: The ability to specify the key size (1024, 2048, or 4096 bits) for the DKIM value of a sender domain via the API

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  4. It is a nightmare to be forced to reset api secret key every time we want to view it. It prompts us to stock the key on a excel sheet to be able to add it on new services ( since we cannot have multiple keys on a sub account for the moment). Why dont you allow to see the secret key after a double authentification for instance ? This would be totally safe and we wouldn't have ti reset it every time and change all ours services.

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  5. Hello,
    We use a template system and send variables from a Java backend. To make it dynamic, we retrieve the template and analyze the detailcontent: Text-part to extract the variables, and then send them. An improvement would be to directly retrieve the variables.
    What I would like is to be able to retrieve the variables used inside a template email, for instance when using the java mailjet client, I would like a new enum called Variables and do somethind like that:

    public class TemplateDetailcontent {

    public static Resource resource = new Resource("template", "detailcontent", ApiVersion.V3, ApiAuthenticationType.Basic);
    public static String TEXTPART =
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  6. Add to the return of the sandbox email sending API the email that would have been sent to test the working of the templating language conditions.

    if it's too complicated, can you open your internal API to test the templating language

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  7. Avec l'API, le path '' permet de récupérer des informations sur les messages envoyés.
    Nous pouvons récupérer notamment, l'attribut "SenderID" qui donne l'identifiant d'un expéditeur validé. Nous avons validé le nom de domaine (par exemple) donc on sait que SenderID correspondant à cependant j'aimerai savoir qui est l'expéditeur exact (,, ...).
    L'information doit bien être stockée quelque part puisque quand on fait un export CSV à partir de Mailjet cette information est bien disponible.

    With the API, the path '' allows us to retrieve information about the messages sent.…

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  8. Is it possible to have an email sent to us with a summary of the previous days sent emails, we use the service to send order emails and if one gets soft bounced or other errors we are not aware of it. It would be good if we can have an email summary sent to us each day so we can look out for issues, so it says x% were soft bounced, x% blocked etc...

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  9. I would like the ability to set preview text via API

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  10. Hallo, könnten sie bitte bei den Wehooks ein Feld
    from: Absender der Email
    Bisher gibt es nur den Empfänger:
    email: email address of recipient triggering the event
    mjcontactid: internal Mailjet contact ID
    Dies ist aber nicht der wirkliche Absender, da es auch * sein kann.
    Der tatsächliche Absernder ist sehr wichtig um Mail entsprechend zu bearbeiten.

    Hello, could you please add to the wehooks a field
    from: Sender of the email
    to be added.
    So far there is only the recipient:
    email: email address of recipient triggering the event
    mjcontactid: internal Mailjet…

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  11. I need to see which lists a contact is in, via the API. Currently, this is impossible without scanning each list, to see if the contact is in it.

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  12. Hi, when using the test button on webhook, it's better if you set a dummy email on the sent data, it's easier on the other side to check if the data extraction is correct. Right now the email field is empty.

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  13. Add "Version" to POST /eventcallbackurl (webhook creation), to regroup by default the sended events.

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  14. To be able to send an email using a template there must exist an HTML version of the template.
    When a template is created via API the HTML version must be provided in the API call ({template_ID}/detailcontent).

    If an MJML template is provided to the API end-point, the API doesn't support creating the needed HTML version of the template that must exist for the template to possible to use.

    The only way to get an uploaded MJML template to work is to manually re-publish the API-created template via the web interface. This causes the email editor to automatically…

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  15. Mailjet plugin for WordPress. When a user is deleted from WordPress can the plugin also delete them from the Mailjet contact list. Currently the syncing of existing and new WordPress users makes the semi useless. You already provide an API call to delete people from a Mailjet contact list, why can you not add a hook into WordPress so when a user is deleted it calls the API to delete the Mailjet contact. Thanks

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  16. Bonjour,
    Lorsque un mail est envoyé avec une clé API de notre compte sans être validée, pouvoir avoir le header du mail en question pour pouvoir debuguer d'ou provient cet email.

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  17. Hi.

    we realized that the sendMail API has a problem. For instance if you are using a template that has 5 variables and your sendMail call includes just 4 values. Then sendMail yields SUCCESS but the mail will be listed as BLOCKED due to an error in the template later on (can be seen in the Mailjet stats). It would be cool if the sendMail function would return an error directly!

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  18. Pourriez-vous modifier le contenu du mail "une adresse d'expédition non validée a été utilisée sur votre compte" et y ajouter le nom du sous-compte concerné (en plus de la clé api principale)?

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  19. I am currently using the Contact Management API to allow subscriptions via our Website, and also sending a 2-step Opt-In 'confirmation' email as one of the processes.

    I can't use the same API Client object for Send and Contact Management operations currently as API v3.1 only works with Send API endpoints (any Contact Management endpoints just result in a 404) and Contact Management still uses V3, Send API operations are significantly different from the documentation in v3, to the extent where the v3.1 Examples don't work with the v3 endpoints.

    It would be greatly more convenient if v3.1 had a…

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  20. Bonjour,
    n'est-il pas possible de changer le retour de votre API lorsque l'on tente d'envoyer un mail avec un expéditeur non validé? J'ai récemment eu un souci lié à un expéditeur autorisé uniquement sur le compte principal mais pas sur un sous compte (cf ticket #2434150) et j'avoue que le retour API nous a vraiment induit en erreur. Pour cause, dans ce cas, l'API nous transmet un succès et un id de message comme si tout était OK, sauf que malheureusement, l'envoie n'as pas fonctionné et l'id renvoie une 404 lorsqu'on tente de faire un get ?
    Ce correctif serait…

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