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  1. Avec l'API, le path '' permet de récupérer des informations sur les messages envoyés.
    Nous pouvons récupérer notamment, l'attribut "SenderID" qui donne l'identifiant d'un expéditeur validé. Nous avons validé le nom de domaine (par exemple) donc on sait que SenderID correspondant à cependant j'aimerai savoir qui est l'expéditeur exact (,, ...).
    L'information doit bien être stockée quelque part puisque quand on fait un export CSV à partir de Mailjet cette information est bien disponible.

    With the API, the path '' allows us to retrieve information about the messages sent.…

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  2. In addition to the "TextPart" and "HTMLPart" parameters of the "Send" API endpoint, add another "MJMLPart" parameter. Mailjet should automatically generate the HTML from the MJML and send the email.

    Currently, an intermediary trip to the MJML API ( is required (which is still in beta, so that it might be unsuitable for use in production) in conjunction with the Mailjet API or a custom Node.js service for parsing the MJML before sending it to Mailjet's API has to be set up.

    It would be good if this integration were natively built to the Mailjet API so that…

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  3. Bonjour,
    n'est-il pas possible de changer le retour de votre API lorsque l'on tente d'envoyer un mail avec un expéditeur non validé? J'ai récemment eu un souci lié à un expéditeur autorisé uniquement sur le compte principal mais pas sur un sous compte (cf ticket #2434150) et j'avoue que le retour API nous a vraiment induit en erreur. Pour cause, dans ce cas, l'API nous transmet un succès et un id de message comme si tout était OK, sauf que malheureusement, l'envoie n'as pas fonctionné et l'id renvoie une 404 lorsqu'on tente de faire un get ?
    Ce correctif serait…

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  4. Is it possible to have an email sent to us with a summary of the previous days sent emails, we use the service to send order emails and if one gets soft bounced or other errors we are not aware of it. It would be good if we can have an email summary sent to us each day so we can look out for issues, so it says x% were soft bounced, x% blocked etc...

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  5. At the moment, it's not possible to know if a template is published or not when retrieved from API. As a consequence, if we try to call the /template/{id}/detailcontent on draft template, the API response is a 404.
    To solve this issue, is important to know the status of a template or to filter templates on /template API for status, to exclude draft templates.

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  6. I would like Mailjet to be able to talk to our CRM software, Pipeline. Our contact list is dynamic and changes on a daily basis. If I could somehow mass flag people in pipeline based on their status in Mailjet (high risk, low risk, hard bounce, soft bounce, etc) that would be extremely helpful so that I can exclude these contacts when uploading a new list.

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  7. I would like to have the ability to export contact lists from via the API as can be done via the Frontend over the UI

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  8. I would like the ability to set preview text via API

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  9. Please provide an option to use shorter API credentials. The mailjet-generated 32 character user and passwords will often not work with older devices that limit the length of the acceptable userids and passwords.

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  10. We can't find a documentation for how to use an AB test with the API.
    We should have an idea about:
    - How to schedule the test or send it immediately.
    - How to send the final chosen version after test successfully sent

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  11. when i invoker your api send email, when i receive email i should get a webhook ,but i can't get anything,why? my webhook is ok and test is receive .

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  12. When enabling UTF8 support between the client app and mailjet SMTP API, the client library generally encodes SMTP headers like the Subject using UTF8 rather than quoted-printable + US-ASCII. So when using any UTF8-ready SMTP client library (in our case the SmtpClient from .NET 6), a Subject like "Caractères accentués" will be sent to mailjet as "Subject: Caractères accentués" when UTF8 is enabled (SmtpDeliveryFormat.International in .NET), and "Subject: =?UTF-8?Q?=Caract=C3=A8res_accentu=C3=A9s?=" when it is not (SmtpDeliveryFormat.SevenBit in .NET).

    This is correct behavior from the client library, but there is an issue with mailjet when the recipient MTA does not support SMTPUTF8 itself:…

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  13. There is no endpoint or data to obtain the "view online" URL of campaigns using Mailjet API. Please implements this !

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  14. Bonjour, avez-vous prévu de permettre de vérifier les adresses email par API, comme ce que vous permettez de faire par l'interface web ?

    ( ?

    Hello, do you have plans to allow email address verification via API, like what you allow to do via the web interface?

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  15. Support passing a PGP key or reference to a PGP key in the Send API to encrypt emails with public keys for secure delivery.

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  16. It could be cool to be notified when our address ip is denied with the information of the reason and time of the denial.

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  17. Pourriez-vous proposer un SDK pour Rust s'il vous plaît afin d'apporter un support complet aux devs de cette technologie


    Could you please propose an SDK for Rust in order to bring a complete support to the devs of this technology

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  18. Il serait bien de pouvoir modifier le lien de tracking personnalisé depuis l'API afin de pouvoir procéder à un paramétrage complet de la plateforme depuis un accès via cette API

    It would be nice to be able to modify the custom tracking link from the API in order to be able to proceed to a complete parameterization of the platform from an access via this API

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  19. It would be great if we could delete all of our emails in your queue via API.

    We had a bug in our software and unfortunately had to watch how emails were processed again and again, which we wanted to delete in any case. Unfortunately, our hands were tied (we did not reach your support either).

    Specifically, we kept running into a send limit (even after adjusting our service plan) because it was always the same emails to the same recipients. Of course, these were all blocked by you (fortunately).

    This would not happen anymore with the described feature. We…

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  20. Hallo, könnten sie bitte bei den Wehooks ein Feld
    from: Absender der Email
    Bisher gibt es nur den Empfänger:
    email: email address of recipient triggering the event
    mjcontactid: internal Mailjet contact ID
    Dies ist aber nicht der wirkliche Absender, da es auch * sein kann.
    Der tatsächliche Absernder ist sehr wichtig um Mail entsprechend zu bearbeiten.

    Hello, could you please add to the wehooks a field
    from: Sender of the email
    to be added.
    So far there is only the recipient:
    email: email address of recipient triggering the event
    mjcontactid: internal Mailjet…

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