108 results found
Possibilité d'avoir une valeur vide dans la condition d'affichage
Dans les modèles marketing et dans les conditions d'affichage, pouvoir mettre une valeur vide dans la condition
Seulement si "x" opérateur ""Possibility to have an empty value in the display condition
In marketing templates and display conditions, being able to put an empty value in the condition
Only if "x" operator ""
Example: If my x field is empty then I display a different block
Exemple : Si mon champ x est vide alors j'affiche un bloc différent1 vote -
Ability to add social share image (Open Graph)
When you share the URL of a campaign on social media it just pulls in the first image of the email.
It would be extremely useful if you could add a social share image within the email editor so that we can customise how the link looks when shared on social media.
I presume using the OG:IMAGE tag in the html header.
1 vote -
Ajout style de titres - Add title style
Pourrai-t-on avoir possibilité de créer plus de 3 styles de titre différents ? Merci
Could we be able to create more than 3 different title styles? Thank you
1 vote -
No to unlink Saved Section when restored from fallback version
Saved Section should not unlinke when restore from fallback version
1 vote -
Gespeicherte Abschnitte duplizieren sollte auch den Inhalt duplizieren - Duplicate saved sections should also duplicate the content
Wenn man einen gespeicherten Abschnitt dupliziert, wird der Inhalt nicht dupliziert. Man beginnt dann wieder bei 0. Es wäre viel besser, wenn der duplizierte Inhalt im Duplikat dann auch vorhanden wäre.
When you duplicate a saved section, the content is not duplicated. It would be much better if the duplicated content was also present in the duplicate.
1 vote -
Section condition: only show on mobile (or only on desktop)
I would be awesome if sections have a condition to only show on mobile or desktop.
1 vote -
Dynamischer Content in Abschnitten - Dynamischer Content in Abschnitten
Kann ich dynamische Inhalte in gespeicherte Abschnitte platzieren?
Kann ich diese gespeicherten Abschnitte dann in meiner verknüpften Mail abhängig von einer Variable wiederholen?Can I place dynamic content in saved sections?
Can I then repeat these saved sections in my linked mail depending on a variable?1 vote -
Template Label per Type
I want to use labels solely for a certain type of template. So that I got separated templates labels for saved sections , marketing , transactional templates.
0 votes
- Don't see your idea?