enable download of the stats of a campaign
The stats of the campaign can not be downloaded ( open rate, click rate, additional indicators available on the UI). Currently, it is time consuming to do internal reporting compilation.
Download report is available but the file only dispaly result per recipient.
Camille Rogers commented
Our central marketing team monitors email performance across all campaigns on a monthly basis. At the moment Mailjet only provides aggregate downloads on a recipient-by-recipient basis, instead of campaign-by-campaign, which means we have to click into each individual campaign to track engagement metrics one by one (this takes 2 hours to do each time). The 'Compare Campaigns' feature only lets us compare 10 at a time, instead of the 30-50 we need. We need a place in the Stats section where we can download all campaign reports (total recipients, open rate, click rate, unsubs) as a CSV.
Sophie Saß commented
download the data for more than 10 campaigns for further evaluation. currently only 10 a time is possible.
I want to be able to export the statistics from multiple campaigns at once instead of having to go export each campaign one by one.
Pablo Martin Acosta commented
As to analyze campaign performance over an extended period (6 months), I'd like the ability to export all campaign statistics without having to go through campaign comparison or export campaign by campaign.