E-Mail Invioces
The ability to mail invoices to a separate mail address.

Sven commented
This is a very important feature request. We use a tech contact email for primary accounts like here on Mailjet, but our accountant wants to get all the invoices to a dedicated address which is automatically scanned. Right now, Mailjet is the only service provider who doesn't forsee such an alternative (or additional) billing address, please add this, it's very easy and very important to keep our books in order!
Thomas Lieven commented
Habe ich in Mailjet die Möglichkeit, die Rechnungen an eine andere E-Mail zustellen zu lassen?
Mail recipient for invoice
Do I have the option in Mailjet to have the invoices delivered to a different email? -
Colin Viebrock commented
The way this is worded makes me think the invoices mailed *somewhere* and you just want to add a second address for them ... is that the case? I'm not getting invoices emailed at all, and would like to.
Colin Viebrock commented
Is it possible to have monthly invoices automatically sent to an email address? Alternatively, can access to the invoices (the PDF files) be made via the API?
Sebastian Detert commented
I agree. I need to provide the invoice to accounting each month. Downloading and mailing it manually is too much effort
Patrick Grübener commented
Rechnungen per E-Mail
Liebes Team, es wäre super hilfreich, wenn die Rechnungen per E-Mail geschickt werden könnten. So könnte das buchhalterisch automatisiert werden. Vielen Dank!===English===
Invoices by e-mail
Dear team, it would be super helpful if the invoices could be sent by email. That way it could be automated for accounting purposes. Thank you very much!