alert when temporarily blocked account
Hace poco tuvimos un bloqueo temporal de correo por el cual perdimos algún contrato. El problema es que los correos no son rebotados y no supimos que la cuenta estaba bloqueada hasta que entramos al panel de mailjet. Os pedimos que si realizar dicha acción mandéis un correo avisando para así poder entrar en el panel y saber que pasa. También sería adecuado para agilizar los tiempos que mandarais en porque ha sido bloqueado para poder aportar pruebas o poder tomar cualquier medida que nos sea necesaria.
We recently had a temporary mail blockage whereby we lost some contract. The problem is that the emails are not bounced and we did not know that the account was blocked until we entered the mailjet panel. We ask that if you do this, please send an email to let us know so that we can log into the panel and find out what is going on. It would also be appropriate to expedite the times that you send because it has been blocked to be able to provide evidence or to take any action that is necessary for us.

Robin Nicollet commented
When account throtthling is activated on an account, the admin (and maybe some other users) should receive an email telling them that the account has been throttled.
First, so they can investigate on why.
Second, so they can quickly react if that throttling is unjustified