Handle MailInBlack answer
Dans le cas où le destinataire a en place un logiciel du type MailInBlack, comment puis-je m'assurer de récupérer les emails de réponse MailInBlack afin de passer la validation ?
A priori des concurrents tels que Sarbacane sont capables de récupérer ces emails et les retourner au sender. Cela nous met régulièrement en difficulté pour l'obtention des contrats.
If the recipient has MailInBlack-type software in place, how can I be sure to retrieve the MailInBlack response emails in order to pass the validation?
Handle MailInBlack answer
If the recipient has MailInBlack-type software in place, how can I be sure to retrieve the MailInBlack response emails in order to pass the validation?
A priori, competitors such as Sarbacane are able to recover these emails and return them to the sender. This regularly puts us in difficulty in obtaining contracts.
If the recipient has MailInBlack-type software in place, how can I be sure to retrieve the MailInBlack response emails in order to pass the validation?
A priori, competitors such as Sarbacane are able to recover these emails and return them to the sender. This regularly puts us in difficulty in obtaining contracts.
A priori, competitors such as Sarbacane are able to recover these emails and return them to the sender. This regularly puts us in difficulty in obtaining contracts.