Improve the editor
The template designer is clunky:
- I can download MJML but I cannot upload it?
- I can make themes by adjusting the font presets (Header, Paragraph) but how do I maintain themes across templates.
- I can make the selected text bold, but when I change the style from paragraph to header or so the selection is ignored and the whole section is changed.
- The color selection in text styles does not accept double click.
- The font size selection in text styles is super weird, I am not even sure what it does.
- Most text inputs apply the change immediately, which is supper annoying when you change the font size by entering a value.
- The editor should maintain a list of recently used variables. 8 The list of used colors in the color selector is often missing colors.
- The align button should show the current alignment.
- I am not sure if "Discard Draft" really works. I wanted to revert all my changes but it was not working.
- Line-height is weird. It should automatically adjust the line height to the font size, when you change the font size, because otherwise the text is cropped on some Mail clients.
- When I download MJML all styles are inline, making it super hard to change the general theme because no CSS is used.
Sebastian Stehle
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