90 results found
Campaign language Hungarian
We are using Mailjet in Hungary, so we need the unsubscribe page to be available in Hungarian. To avoid GDPR and other legal issues, it is crucial for us to have this page displayed in Hungarian as well. Thank you for your quick assistance!
1 vote -
Revert Changes to Campaign Builder Layout
The campaign builder's layout has been updated, moving some of the options around (for example, the contact list selection is now the second step, whereas before it was the last step on the page).
8 votes -
Link statistics top 10
Link statistics
We really need to be able to see more links than the top 10 in the link overview of sent campaigns. Downloading a CSV list is far too time-consuming and costs us unnecessary time in reporting. This function was available in the previous version.
Thank you very much!1 vote -
Contact list not automatically calculated and loaded
Contact list not automatically calculated and loaded, only when you press a button.
Because I have the problem that when you click on cancel, but then click away I see in the network tab that it just starts calculating again!!
I click on cancel, because I want to add the design afterwards.
Because of this my queue gets full all the time and it sometimes takes weeks before it can load a contact list again....
pleas do something about this..
2 votes -
automatically update the template in the campaign, when templates is updated
When you edit a template and it is already used in a campaign, then also automatically update the template in the campaign, now I have to go through all campaigns one by one to provide them with the updated template...
1 vote -
identification des listes de contacts
Je travaille avec une douzaine de liste de clients. Quand j'envoie une campagne et qu'ensuite je vais sur "mes campagnes" pour vérifier les résultats, mes différentes listes ne sont pas identifiées ( voir screenshot ci-joint). Serait-il possible de rajouter une colonne "Listes de contacts" ?ENGLISH
identifying contact lists
I work with a dozen customer lists. When I send a campaign and then go to "my campaigns" to check the results, my different lists are not identified (see attached screenshot). Would it be possible to add a "Contact lists" column?3 votes -
Störende Fehler
Guten Tag,
ich halte hier einmal fest, was mich schon immer stört:
zum einen nervt mich eurer kurzes Timeout. Wenn man etwas bearbeiten muss und man wird mal von Kollegen gestört, dann ist man im nächsten Augenblick schon wieder abgemeldet. Es gibt Seiten, da bin ich den ganzen Tag angemeldet und fliege nicht raus.
Was auch nervt, ist euer Captcha. Wenn man schon 2FA verwendet, warum muss man dann noch Captcha verwenden, diesen Müll. Es gibt besseres.
Was ich schon ein paar mal geschrieben hatte, warum ist es euch nicht möglich, die Farben, die man in einem Dokument verwendet und…1 vote -
Add a Forward To A Friend Link as recommended in your 20 Tips article!
Switched to Mailjet from Mailchimp and the Forward to a Friend link is an included feature and you actually advocate the use of such a link here
Tip 181 vote -
Creating a poll
I'd like to create a poll in my newsletter to see what industries my viewers are in because we're in a specialized market and just to have fun questions.
Thank you1 vote -
Add Website Option to Socials
It would be great to include a "website" button in the social media buttons. I would like to direct people to our socials, but also to our actual website! I tried to upload my own icon, but the quality looked horrible in the allotted space constriction. Also allowing the icons to be larger than 32x32 pixels would be great visually and for accessibility!
2 votes -
Add first and last name to Reports
Add first and last name (or full name) to CSV reports as well. Right now there is only email
3 votes -
Suppr campagnes envoyées
Il semble impossible de supprimer des campagnes archivées mais envoyées, je trouve ça étonnant et dommage, nous sommes bien placés pour savoir quelles campagnes nous souhaitons conserver ou non. Merci d'étudier la possibilité de supprimer toutes les campagnes que l'on souhaite.
Cordialement,Delete sent campaigns
It seems impossible to delete archived but sent campaigns, I find this surprising and a pity, we are well placed to know which campaigns we want to keep or not. Please study the possibility of deleting all the campaigns that we want.2 votes -
Group Emails with tags
We send different types of emails (i.e. Motoring, Home, Garden etc). To help with engagement we would like to be able to create a segment by the Clicks/Opens of a previous type of email within the last x days. Currently you can do this at a campaign level but if you could tag emails and then use the tags to create the segments this would improve the process greatly.
2 votes -
Stop Sending button
I would love it if there was stop sending button so you can stop the sending if you notice a mistake. Would be very easy to program.
3 votes -
Notes de campagne
Bonjour, ce serait bien d'avoir un champ "Notes" pour chaque campagne, où l'on pourrait noter et modifier des infos. Merci.
Campaign notes
Hello, it would be nice to have a "Notes" field for each campaign, where we could note and modify information. Thank you.1 vote -
Personnalisation de la couleurs des listes à puces
Possibilité de personnaliser la couleur d'une liste à puces.
Possibility to customize the color of a bulleted list.1 vote -
mail utilisé
bonjour, nous voudrions pouvoir envoyer nos campagnes avec une adresse de notre domaine mais que les contacts ne la voient pas et voient seulement que la campagne a été envoyée avec une adresse gmail (qui est utilisée par plusieurs personnes)
mail used
Hello, we would like to be able to send our campaigns with an address of our domain but that the contacts do not see it and only see that the campaign was sent with a gmail address (which is used by several people)1 vote -
Sent campaign status = Cancelled
Stop auto-labelling sent campaigns as 'Cancelled'. This is incorrect, misleading and clearly a fault with your technical system. Please resolve!
1 vote -
Pas accès à mes campagnes créées en 2021 ?
Pourquoi n'ai je pas accès à mes campagnes créées en 2021 ?ENGLISH
No access to my campaigns created in 2021?
Why don't I have access to my campaigns created in 2021?1 vote -
Personnalisation Page Désinscription / Customize Unsubscribe Page
J'aimerai pouvoir personnaliser mes optins et la page de désinscription avec mes couleurs
I would like to customize my opt ins and unsubscribe page with my colors
17 votesStay tuned! This is coming in 2025, along with the ability to set up a Subscriber Preference Center.
- Don't see your idea?