Personnalisation Page Désinscription / Customize Unsubscribe Page
J'aimerai pouvoir personnaliser mes optins et la page de désinscription avec mes couleurs
I would like to customize my opt ins and unsubscribe page with my colors

Pierre commented
really important feature, already available on some competitors.It's important to have our own colors, logo and even text. I want to say good bye to my unsubscribed people and provide them some good helping links for the next step of their life !
Thank you very much for considering.
Best -
Mohamed Ben Halima commented
Il faut vraiement une fonctionnalité qui permettent de customiser le landing page du lien de désinscription qui se trouve dans le mail tout en gardant la gestion des désabonné chez vous.
You really need a feature that allows you to customize the landing page of the unsubscribe link that is in the email while keeping the management of unsubscribers at home.
Jesper Toft Rasmussen commented
Please make it possible to customize the unsubscribe page.
Anonymous commented
Bonjour, j'aimerais vraiment pour voir créer et personnaliser une page de désabonnement :) Merci ! Bien cordialement :)))
Hello, I would really like to see create and customize an unsubscribe page :) Thank you! Best regards
Anonymous commented
We would like to redirect users who unsubscribe from the newsletter to a landing page hosted by ourselves.