Authentication Timeout
General issues related to the authentication timeout behavior of the Mailjet app.

Michael Bauer commented
Was mich an eurer Plattform wahnsinnig nervt (unter anderem) ist euer Timeout. Wenn man an einem Dokument arbeitet und man muss zwischendrin einmal telefonieren und jemandem helfen, dann ist man schon wieder von der Sitzung abgemeldet. Ich nutze andere Plattformen, da könnte ich den ganzen Tag nichts machen und bleibe trotzdem drin. Ob es der Sicherheit dient wenn man so schnell wieder rausgeworfen wird, bezweifle ich sehr. Wäre schön, wenn man dies ändert.
Timeout during a session
What annoys me about your platform (among other things) is your timeout. When you're working on a document and you need to make a phone call and help someone in between, you're already logged out of the session again. I use other platforms, I could do nothing all day and still stay in. Whether it serves the security if one is thrown out so fast again, I doubt very much. Would be nice if you change this. -
Oliver Webb-Carter commented
Hi, what is the longest login period? I find it too short for my account - very frustrating to keep on entering password. Mailchimp does a week I think.
David Keegan commented
Yes, so annoying. I have to login and redo captcha basically every time I go to Mailjet
Jacob Giorgi commented
My bank doesn't have this much security. It's a little ridiculous. I have a password manager that spits out massive long strings that no one will guess. I don't need this too. At the least, make the remember me last for a day or a week. Please.
Raphael Fleckenstein commented
You're now logging me out every hour!!!! I will switch email tool now, you guys are insane
Kenneth Gelinas commented
It would be great if you could increase the timeout from 1 hr to every 3 or 4 hours. It's a bit of a pain to have to log in all the time.
Caleb Solano commented
The "Remember me" option has the memory of a goldfish!
This is my single biggest complaint about Mailjet. I'm not saying I am switching to another provider because of it...but it did cross my mind.
Theo Ephraim commented
PLEASE fix this. so annoying to be logging in over and over again after checking "remember me"
Armands Osins commented
Fix the issue with login. I have checked "Remember me", yet sessions still expire and I get logged out. Having to check boxes and click "Login" button several times a day is very annoying
Cole Vineyard commented
Hi there, the remember me function doesn't work on your site. Sucks to get booted out of your account every 15 minutes and then have to keep signing.
Paul Maillardet commented
When checking the "remember me" checkbox on the sign-in page, we assume that the app will keep connection alive for a longer period of time, even if we don't do any action during a couple of hours... Currently the re-login is happening several times in a single day, which is pretty annoying.
Ideally, it should keep the session for at least an entire day of work (10 hours, maybe).