27 results found
Stay on top of CVE's with the Node JS version of the API
The API seems relatively unmaintained. Since March this year there have been issues with the axios dependency. The solution is really simple the file that defines the dependencies just needs to be updated so that the dependency can always be updated for example "^1.7.4".
Updating the dependency will not break anything.
1 vote -
Blank email template in template gallery
A blank email template is missing from the template gallery. This would allow us to start designing a template from scratch and avoid choosing a pre-filled template and having to delete all the elements.
3 votesThank you for your suggestion! We have added a "Start from Scratch" template to our Basic templates for both our email and landing page features.
Amélioration de l'interface Stats et du bot
Le Bot me répond en espagnole... :( !
Et on ne peut pas chercher par nom ou adresse mail dans les stat ? !!! C'est juste pas pratique... :( !
De plus pour les domaines, on ne peut pas valider en bloc ? Un par Un, ce n'est pas pratique non plus... ;'( !
Merci !English
Stats and bot interface improvements
The Bot answers me in Spanish... :( !
And we can't search by name or email address in the stat?!!! It's just not practical... :( !
What's more, you can't validate domains in bulk? One by…1 vote -
Issues with new Form subscription widget
I've been looking at your form that will replace the subscription widget and I cant see anyway to add in a drop down box or make fields mandatory. I capture First names and last names using your form and also whether those signing up would like to sign up to other services but that is not possible with a form from what I can see.
10 votes -
sharing account admin rights
Today when you share your account with coloaborator, you need to select the sub API key to share. You dont have option to share all accounts. The button to share all only share current existing API keys. Not the one created after.
1 vote -
Weitere Formularoptionen im Form-Builder
Der neue Form-Builder benötigt weitere Formularfelder wie Drop-downs und Auswahloptionen.
More form options in the Form Builder
The new form builder needs more form fields like drop-downs and selection options.9 votes -
image and file library
Would like to see an image and file library available to the email editor. Quoting one of our end users:
Images, have the images store in the system so I don’t have to go and dig through to reupload them…
They also have a similar concern/request for PDF files. They would like to...
Upload PDF files to email with the emailer.
I don't think they're looking to include PDF attachments, but instead looking to story the PDFs within the Mailjet system for easy reference, rather than uploading the PDFs to an external location and then linking to that external location.
11 votes -
Add SVG support for icons (and maybe images in general?)
Hey Mailjet team!
Would be nice to add support for SVG images as they current limitations for icons (PNG and 32x32 pixels) doesn't look as well as they could in the emails. Most of the times they are pixelated and more if you zoom in.
Thanks for taking care of it!
4 votes -
Add option to remove the drop shadow around the form
The current design might not fit well into every website style.
6 votes -
Embed Code with mixed http/https src properties
Hi Mailjet Team
Guess its frustrating for users if they have to fix your Embed Code after generation! It can not work in the common https scenario!I would recommend to use only https in your src props.
6 votes -
Taux de clics incohérents/Botclics
Nous avons régulièrement des campagnes pour lesquels le taux de clics dépasse les 100%, généralement associées à un nombre d'import de clics à 00:00'00" ou sans information horaire.
Il nous a été indiqué que cela correspondait à des campagnes de vérifications gmail et/ou à des outils anti-spam et/ou à des clics faits automatiquement par des robots.
Nous pouvons l'entendre et nous savons que les autres routeurs d'emails rencontrent des problèmes similaires, mais les statistiques sont alors inexploitables au niveau du BO mailjet et cela fait de nombreux mois que nous l'avons signalé.
Avez-vous pu avancer sur le sujet, pour tracer…
9 votes -
Authentication Timeout
General issues related to the authentication timeout behavior of the Mailjet app.
16 votes -
Remove bot and security opens and clicks
Any clicks and open events are registered in statistics, even if they were performed by bots or security systems. Currently you don't offer an option to differentiate those clicks/opens. So basically, the campaign metrics are nearly worthless without this knowledge, as we truly do not know who really opened and clicked. We have been doing follow ups the clicks and getting people telling us that they never opened and clicked on the email. Very frustrating. I highly recommend you fix this or I will need to move to another provider who does.
10 votes -
Incorrect emails quantity per day in description
On https://app.mailjet.com/account/subscription page in detailed plans info (table) I see wrongly written "250 per day" for free plan, whereas it should be 200
3 votes -
a system to filter out automated click events
Had a problem with statistics with multiple cases of 10+ individuals from the same company clicking on all of the links. In some cases 10+ links, which is obviously not accurate analytics, and i have no idea who is actually reacting to campaigns.
It was explained in writing by support as
"I spoke to someone about this and apparently some security software will automatically open the links in a message to check for viruses. It seems like this is what's causing those click events. I hadn't run into that before so it doesn't seem to be common. This shouldn't cause…5 votes -
Default account language should be on shared access level
The default language of the master account is impacting all subaccounts and all shared accesses as there is no setting per shared access for the default language.
Same to the timezone.It is really hard to describe to a shared access user from france why their account is forced to use english as this is the default for the master account and there is no user config possible.
26 votes -
Remove Bot Clicks from stats
Mailjet to be able to identify and filter out the automatically generated type of clicks from the Stats in order to understand what is the real click rate, generated by humans.
20 votes -
Support HTTPs on custom domains
Currently HTTS is not supported by Mailjet for custom domains, and if HTTPS is required need to work with default domain from Mailjet. Need to find a feature to support HTTPs on custom domains.
6 votesI’m happy to announce that we’ve released HTTPS on custom domains for all paid accounts. Please see our Help Center article for more info: https://documentation.mailjet.com/hc/en-us/articles/4407543149339-Can-I-use-HTTPS-in-my-tracking-links-
Support for SSO
I want to use a SSO Provider Like Azure AD or Okta for signing into Mailjet Platform
9 votes -
Search contacts by part of their email address
Search for an email address by part of the email or the domain to get all mails from that domain.
Search by - example - result all recipients that contain that in the local part or the domain.2 votesWe redesigned the “All contacts” page and added the ability to search for contacts by part of their email address.
We plan to add this functionality to the search inside a specific contact list as well.
- Don't see your idea?