109 results found
Stop making it so difficult to sign in. I have problems EVERY TIME I TRY TO LOG IN
Fix your software program.
33 votes -
2 votes
Enable sharing Billing set up across multiple accounts.
Enable sharing Billing set up across multiple accounts so there are two admins (4 eyes principle) that can observe billing details.
1 vote -
List of users
Ability to export (CSV) or view the list of users and their last connection date + their API Key
1 vote -
Exporting a template to multiple sub-accounts
Currently, it's only possible to export an email template from a main account to one sub-account at a time, which can be time-consuming if we have many sub-accounts. It would be beneficial to add a feature that allows exporting a template from a main account to multiple sub-accounts simultaneously.
4 votes -
User activation for SSO Users should not need password
Currenty there is no different user registration process for SSO users, we have to invite, user has to click on activation link and set a password, although for SSO Login the password is never needed.
I recommend to change the SSO User process. We should be able to invite as "SSO User", it is OK if the user has still to activate their user, but without the need to set a password.11 votes -
I seem to only see support tickets I have logged myself, although I am logged in as the Primary account.I would like see/update tickets log
I seem to only have a view of support tickets I have logged myself, although I am logged in as the Primary account. I would like an option to view/update tickets logged by other subaccount users.
7 votes -
Improve customer service
Allow clients to access Support. We created a ticket, received a response not related to the ticket and advice our query would be forwarded to App Support Team, then a few days later get another email from Mailjet asking us to follow up on the response whereas response said that App Support Team would get in touch with us. Seems one part of the business doesn't talk to another and no way to contact Mailjet to clarify this
4 votes -
Make it easier to create an account
Can you please make it easier to create an account.
1 vote -
Remove the Google Recaptcha, when user also have 2FA enabled.
It takes tooooo long to tick off all the right images. Many times I will have to do 4-5 rounds of images. No good!! 2FA should be more than enough.
16 votes -
Ajout temporaire de quota emails sur un sous-compte
Lorsqu'on gère plusieurs sous-comptes (avec re-facturation derrière, dans notre cas nous sommes une agence web), il serait intéressant de pouvoir acheter un pack d'emails supplémentaires à assigner à un sous-compte en particulier. Car si le sous-compte dépasse le quota des emails, ce sont TOUS les sous-comptes qui sont impactés et qui génère une sur-facturation des emails dépassant le quota mensuel (abonnement annuel).
Temporary addition of email quota to a sub-account
When managing several sub-accounts (with re-invoicing behind, in our case we're a web agency), it would be interesting to be able to purchase a pack of additional emails to…2 votes -
mise à jour des contacts
bonjour, il serait bien de remettre les contacts à jour plus facilement.
ma liste afdiche toujours 1365 alors que j'en ai moins de 1000 !ENGLISH
contact update
hello, it would be nice to update the contacts more easily.
my list still shows 1365 when I have less than 1000!1 vote -
Disable the Unauthenticated Sender Domain(s) banner
We would like the able to disable the Unauthenticated Sender Domain(s) banner that appears in the UI. The domains that are needed have already been authenticated and it's confusing for the Shared Access users to continually see the banner pop up in their subaccounts.
1 vote -
Automatic User Provisioning
Enable Automation for User Provisioning
It will be much easier for admins to manage users in corporate accounts if Mailjet will have a feature of system cross identity management (SCIM) or user functions through API.
The addition or creating new users has a lot of manual process.
6 votes -
Changement de propriétaire
Aujourd'hui, il n'est pas possible de changer le propriétaire du compte principal. Ce qui pose problème par rapport à un cas d'usage que nous avons rencontré : le transfert de propriété.
Change of owner
Hello,Today, it is not possible to change the owner of the main account. This poses a problem in relation to a use case we have encountered: transfer of ownership.
Thank you1 vote -
Single Sign-On (SSO) should be available for all PREMIUM accounts
Single Sign-On (SSO) should be available for all PREMIUM users regardless of whether they have 15,000 or 100,000 subscriptions
3 votes -
Domain Validations in Bulk
As a user of Mailjet, I would like the ability to add complete domains to (sub)accounts in bulk.
Currently the way to do it is to do this per 1 domain. You first have to validate it, then you get forwarded to the screen for SPF/DKIM.
I know you can theoretically setup SPF/DKIM ahead of time as this is the same for all the domains.However, as a customer with many domains, I would like the ability to add for example ~25 domains in one go. Then provide me all the validation TXT-records, and validate them in the background.
3 votes -
Master-Account user should be able to set returnpath for subaccounts
Currenlty only Mailjet Support can set ReturnPath. We have hundreds of subaccounts and Mailjet involement is needed for the return Path Setting.
In order to reduce effort on Mailjet side and also to help us in managing our own subaccounts better, it would be helpful that the Master-Account user is able to do the reurn path setting. If adding this to the frontend takes to much time, it would be enough as a first step, just to have an API for setting the returnpath.2 votes -
Feedback after clicking validation email
As a user I want to see feedback after clicking a validation email link so that I know if my sender address was validated or that I need to undertake an action.
In my case:
I added a sender to a SUB API KEY. I got the validation mail and then clicked it. It took me to the "account -> senders & domains" page (OF MY MASTER ACCOUNT) but didn't give me any feedback.
My assumption is that the activation succeeded. Then when I try to send an e-mail using the new sender, I've got another mail from Mailjet saying…
2 votes -
2FA on sub-accounts
I have a sub-account and would like to be able to enable 2FA.
A sub-account has access to PII in the same way as a primary account, and it would be good to be able to afford it the same level of protection against compromise.
3 votes
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