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  1. Some of the colors of text in the interface are not high contrast, making them difficult to read.

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  2. Hello, I am consistently being logged out of the MailJet platform after what seems to be only 20-30 minutes. This has been consistent for me since I started using MailJet, and is particularly frustrating. I'm not sure what causes this automatic log-out, but it would be very convenient if we had some control or options regarding this.

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  3. Managing accounts should not only be possible from the master account, but it should be be possible to delegate this to a useraccount using SAML SSO.

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  4. Hallo, wir haben das Premium-Abonnement gebucht, welches uns lt. der uns zugesandten Rechnung monatlich 27,90 € kostet. In den Kontoeinstellungen ist dieses auch ersichtlich, allerdings haben wir keinerlei Premium-Funktionen (Supportmeldung, Einrichten mehrere Benutzerkonten etc.). Wir haben Sie zu bitten, diese Funktionen für uns unverzüglich einzustellen, da wir sonst von unserem Widerrufsrecht Gebrauch machen müssen. Vielen Dank! Mit freundlichen Grüßen Eisenbahnbauverein Harburg eG

    Premiumaccount not usable!!!
    Hello, we have booked the premium subscription, which costs us 27.90 € per month according to the invoice sent to us. This is also visible in the account settings, but we do not have…

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  5. Ability to determine a limit of emails to be send per sub-accounts per calendar year or month or week. i.e An account has a 1M yearly volume but can assign a limit of 100k for sub-account A, 200k for sub-account B, etc...Basically breaking down the allowance per sub-account.

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  6. i have some questions yesterday the plan was for $15.00 for $15,000 emails month included and today it jumped to $25? i want to sign up but you increased the price?

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  7. Recently we had the case that someone went into a sub-account and reset the secret for an API key in order to get access to it in order to update some of the templates via the API. This same API key is used for our production processing.
    As only 1 API key can be kept per sub-account at the moment, there is also no work around except sharing the key. In our case this was done but the person lost it/deleted it somehow and didn't really think about the implications of resetting the secret. This caused our production API key…

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  8. Guten Tag, können Sie bitte Ihre Rechnungen per Email versenden? Danke

    Sending invoices by email
    Good day, can you please send your invoices by email? Thank you

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  9. Cela fait 3 mois que j'utilises Mailjet sur Chrome et mes collègues et moi sommes déconnectés de Mailjet à chaque fois que ne l'utilisons pas pendant plus d'une à quelques heures.
    C'est a dire que meme si je garde Mailjet dans un onglet le matin, si j'y reviens l'apres midi je serais déconnecté.
    Pourtant lorsque je me connecte, je bouton "remember me" est coché.
    Ce bouton a le mérite d'exister, il faut le faire vivre :)

    I've been using Mailjet on Chrome for 3 months and my colleagues and I are disconnected from Mailjet every time we don't use it…

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  10. Into the "share your account" page, it would be interested to see the date/time of the last connection for each user.

    We have only :
    Is granted access to

    It's important to know if people use the product or not.

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  11. Temps de réponse trop long au support, peu d'explications quand une limitations d'envoi nous est imposée

    Explanation of the cause of the sending limitation
    Long response time to the support, little explanation when a sending limitation is imposed on us

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  12. self-service for custom return-path

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    1. Currently, the email unsubscribe page does not contain a heading or any page landmarks, or any way to add those.
    2. There is also insufficient colour contrast on the buttons on the page. There seems to be no way for us to address these ourselves. This means that the service fails the latest WCAG requirements for screenreaders for issue 1 and for users with vision issues. for issue 2 - essential for sites in the public service sites.
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  13. New features should be by default turned off. Example "validations" feature. Users may be unaware and use it causing an unexpected charge.

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  14. We have several accounts for different projects, but now we'd like to merge all of them just into one account. We can't do it because we can't transfer the data from the account. It would be great and useful if we could use these accounts already created to create new subaccounts in the main account. Thanks!

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  15. Please provide to automatically forward bounced messages to an email.
    SendGrid does this already:

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  16. It would be great if you could set up a login system whereby one email could be used to log into multiple accounts.

    Eg. instead of using an email address you rather have a User ID.

    Why you might ask?

    I do newsletters for various customers and currently, they cannot add me as a user because my email address is already linked to an account. So they rather send me their user login for me to use. Meaning we are both logged in under one user, making it difficult to see who did what.

    Another valid point would be that…

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  17. Implement customization in sending address validation emails, so that when Mailjet is utilized in a user's own sending platform, the user is able to use their own branding and domain for the validation emails, instead of Mailjet's branding and domain.

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  18. Invited users are unable to edit their detailed - name and email address. Please allow these to be updated in case they are changed after initial creation.

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  19. On subaccount Level there should be the possibility to a set recipient domain to a blacklist with the consequence that every triggered email to the recipient domain will be blocked, similar when trying to tiggere emails to which will got immediately blocked.

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