Réabonner un contact
Pour un contact qui s'est désabonné par erreur et qui souhaite à nouveau recevoir nos Newsletters, je souhaiterais une option qui lui permette d'être réabonné par défaut à chaque liste de contacts que nous créons (sans que nous n'ayons d'action à réaliser).
Merci d'avance
Resubscribe a contact
For a contact who unsubscribed by mistake and who wants to receive our newsletters again, I would like an option that allows him to be re-subscribed by default to each contact list we create (without us having to take any action).
Thanks in advance
Daniel Piestrak commented
J'ai plusieurs adresse mail bloquées par votre système alors que ce sont les adresses mails de ma société et aucune indication sur la façon de les débloquer. Vous devriez nous indiquer comment faire en tant qu'administrateur
Unblocking a blocked e-mail address
I have several e-mail addresses blocked by your system, even though they are my company's e-mail addresses, and no indication of how to unblock them. As administrator, you should tell us how to do this. -
Anonymous commented
Currently to unblock a contact who has mistakenly placed an email in spam or wishing to change his mind, it is necessary to open a ticket on Mailjet to retrieve an associated email then reply by email to our contact to ask him to write to this linked address to the created ticket.
This process is complex, long, manual, and requires a lot of time from everyone (contact, client, mailjet).
I'm offering a simpler system for everyone that will speed up this process.
The process would be very simple, you would just have to provide us (your customers) with a URL that our customers could access.Here is the process:
- one of our customers spams one of our emails by mistake
- he realizes that he no longer receives any mail from us
- he therefore wants to backtrack and access a generic url to unblock himself (hosted with you)
- the page displays all the necessary information "You wish to receive new emails from XXXX" etc ...
- the customer accepts and receives an email on his mailbox to validate his action
- he clicks on the link in the email
- ==> It is no longer blocked.The process seems pretty simple to me. This would be a very nice development and I don't think I'm the only one of your customers in this case...
What do you think ?