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  1. Add the possibility to modify the rDNS for the dedicated IP-address. According to sources this can affect the deliverability for certain websites.

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  2. Outgoing email should be deliverable over IPv4 and IPv6.

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  3. Dans le cas où le destinataire a en place un logiciel du type MailInBlack, comment puis-je m'assurer de récupérer les emails de réponse MailInBlack afin de passer la validation ?

    A priori des concurrents tels que Sarbacane sont capables de récupérer ces emails et les retourner au sender. Cela nous met régulièrement en difficulté pour l'obtention des contrats.

    If the recipient has MailInBlack-type software in place, how can I be sure to retrieve the MailInBlack response emails in order to pass the validation?

    Handle MailInBlack answer
    If the recipient has MailInBlack-type software in place, how can I be sure to…

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  4. create reports that can be emailed daily, especially reports that show emails that did not get delivered, with the reason why, bad address, blocked, etc. I know this information is available on the website, but it would be nice if this information could be setup in to be emailed to different recipients.

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  5. permettre l'envoi de mails dont la taille serait supérieure à 15Mo et pouvant aller jusqu'à 100Mo

    allow the sending of emails whose size would be greater than 15MB and up to 100MB

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  6. Add custom SMTP Relay with TLS & Authentication for specific recipients.

    Need: Keep the same connection between our app and Mailjet, but be able to set custom delivery options for a set of recipients (based on domain names). Needed by some corporate clients of ours which have private SMTP relays to whitelist automated emails.

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  7. By now, one can only add a single URL per Event. Some events might need to get sent to multiple services. Please add more than one URL and event.

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  8. 2 votes

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  9. If you send email to an internal account which hasn't been set up yet, Mailjet decides that it is an attempt to send spam and "preblocks" the address for 90 days. This doesn't make sense for internal accounts.

    For example, suppose I have a new employee named Susan and I add to a mailing list, or I send her mail through a system that uses the Mailjet API (which is the case that happened to me). But, oops, the person setting up the email account hadn't set it up yet! Mailjet now "preblocks" her address for three months and,…

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  10. If we want to use rounded buttons everywhere we are forced to use microsoft's VML in the conditional <!--[if mso]> tags.

    The problem that the links in them are not replaced with the tracked links, as they are not an <a href="> tag,
    but a <v:roundrect xmlns:v="urn:schemas-microsoft-com:vml" xmlns:w="urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:word" href="">

    It would be great if Mailjet supported replacing the href= inside VML tags as well as <a> tags

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  11. have the option for send any campaign = "send by open time of my users". If this splits the sending by the same rate % like the statitics of open time of all my users of the last 6 month, last 12 month, last 60 days.. and so on would be rather userfull

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  12. Je découvre, avec stupeur, que vos services ne propose pas de notifier l'expéditeur d'un mail qui transite pas votre plateforme si le mail n'est pas délivré. Cela laisse l'expéditeur dans le doute permanent. C'est difficile à expliquer à nos clients. Merci de nous contacter pour trouver une solution

    Better inform the sender about the delivery of the message.
    I discover, with amazement, that your services do not propose to notify the sender of an email that transits through your platform if the email is not delivered. This leaves the sender in permanent doubt. This is difficult to explain to…

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  13. I believe a good feature to add to the platform is to integrate any email that is sent through mailjet into gmail, that way I will be able to see the emails that have been sent in my gmail 'sent' tab.

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  14. Pourriez vous mettre en place un paramètre permettant de décaler l'envoi des emails unitaire à l'image de ce que vous proposez pour les campagnes ?


    Delay in sending single emails

    Could you set up a parameter that would allow you to delay the sending of single emails in the same way as you do for campaigns?

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  15. Have a work around way of providing support when the ticketing system is not working like now.
    Have a better way of handling pre-blocked e-mail accounts than writing a ticket (specially since the system sometimes fails like now).
    A simple way, would be a manual override of blocked e-mails, that might be trigger over the web interface. This should not happen that offen, anyways.

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  16. Your DKIM copy-paste is incorrect!

    You gave:

    It was missing the opener,

    v=DKIM1; k=rsa; p=.....

    So your own service would not validate it. Once I added the v=DIM1; it worked. Cost me an hour or so.

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  17. Certains messages en rebonds temporaires (lorsque l'IP partagée est bloquée et que la raison = "expéditeur bloqué") devrait être automatiquement renvoyés dans un délai de 1h/5h/12h/24h selon les possibilités, mais il n'existe aucun moyen de cibler (via un segment par exemple) les emails en rebond temporaire pour renvoyer une campagne ensuite, donc MailJet devrait automatiquement renvoyé les emails lorsque la raison du rebond le permet.
    Comme vu en pj, il y a un certain nombre d'email dans ce cas, et pour certains, il s'agit de clients actifs ayant ouvert des campagnes par le passé, c'est dommage de ne pas pouvoir…

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  18. Bonjour,
    Nous utilisons le service Mailjet via un connecteur d'envoi smtp vers l'extérieur de l'organisation dans Exchange (2016).
    Les notifications d'absence de bureau - Office hors Office (OOF)- ne parviennent pas aux destinataires externes. Elles apparaissent dans la file d'attente du connecteur mais n'apparaissent pas dans les stats mailjet.
    Il serait extrêmement important de permettre l'envoi de ces notifications via mailjet.
    Nicolas Levasseur

    We are using the Mailjet service via a smtp send connector to outside the organization in Exchange (2016).
    Out of office notifications - Office Out of Office (OOF) - do not reach the external recipients.…

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  19. Canonicalization is a process by which the headers and body of an email are converted to a canonical standard form before being signed. This can be thought of as converting data that can be represented in a number of ways into a standard canonical form.

    Some mail systems modify emails in transit that can potentially invalidate DKIM. Some mail signers may require that minor mail modification is fine and others may be more strict and require stricter canonicalization be used.

    Two canonicalization algorithms have been created to satisfy mild modification to a message and almost no modification to a message…

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  20. It should be possible to match the eventy object in the response to an APIKey or at least to the from sender id.
    Both properties are not delivered as properties of the event object.

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