41 results found
Live Chat for Aus Pac
Would be great to support ALL TZ via Chat. Or have clearly that you don't support Aus Pac TZ with live chat. Many times we need help and need it within the hour to have to then wait 24 hours is very poor.
1 vote -
Improve sign-in on feedback system.
It was very difficult to sign in to your feedback site. I had to use the "forgot password" to "reset" my password. But I never had a password for the site, and had not forgotten my password.
Apparently, the feedback site is its own site requiring one to create an account separately from your Mailjet account. That was not clear anywhere. If the feedback site said "you must create an account separate from your Mailjet account to access this site" then that would not be ideal, but would have prevented hours and days of frustration.
The "Give Feedback" link from…
4 votes -
Your ticketing System very poor. Please improvement it. I was waiting so much time but no revert on the issue
2 votes -
Can't update my ticket
The link for my ticket, https://app.mailjet.com/support/ticket/xxxxxxx constantly redirects me to https://documentation.mailjet.com/hc/en-us/categories/360003942954-Mailjet-FAQ-Center-
1 vote -
Increase the size of the "reply" text area for tickets in the Support Center
When including larger amounts of text (like API/SMTP calls, logs, explanations, etc), having such a small visible text area can make it difficult to make sure that all info is included.
1 vote -
SAV proche de 0
C'est hallucinant, impossible de vous joindre par téléphone. Un ticket ouvert, réponse en 5 jours et quelle réponse
Service close to 0
It's amazing, impossible to reach you by phone. A ticket opened, answer in 5 days and what an answer2 votes -
répondez à vos ##### de clients
Voilà une idée! répondre à vos clients payants et ne pas les faire galérer à trouver un contact compétent. Les onglets chat et téléphone de votre page contacts me renvoient vers des offres d'abonnement alors que j'ai déjà un abonnement payant
C'est de l'arnaqueENGLISH
Here's an idea! Answer your paying customers and don't make them struggle to find a competent contact. The chat and phone tabs on your contacts page send me to subscription offers when I already have a paid subscription
This is a scam1 vote -
Bug report
The Unsub event is not triggering in Zapier. Reference the bug report "New Unsubscribe Triigger not triggering".
1 vote -
Impossible de joindre le service facturation Mailjet pour se faire rembourser un prélèvement indu et pour modifier une adresse erronée. Mailjet, faut de la transparence et de l'accessibilité.
1 vote -
respond to customers
You closed my ticket without even looking at my issue.
There is no way to re-open it
You are ignoring my emails
Very poor1 vote -
Logon isn't being saved, even if I check "remember me"
The site keeps asking me to sign in if I was inactive for a few minutes. It's just a bug... Cookies are allowed and I have this problem with no other site.
2 votes -
ça ne marche pas
C'est lamentable, on débute avec votre système, il y a des choses qui ne se passent pas bien, et comme on est encore dans la phase gratuite, personne en direct telephone. vraiment nous ne sommes pas satisfait de ces 1er essai.
It is lamentable, we begin with your system, there are things that do not go well, and as we are still in the free phase, no one in direct telephone. really we are not satisfied with these 1st test.
1 vote -
Augmentation de la facture
Je constate avec surprise la nouvelle facture qui a encore une fois augmenté cette année, alors que je n'avais même pas été prévenu. Cela est irrespectueux pour vos clients. Je vous paye tous les ans en bon et dû forme, merci de me rembourser la différence avec la facture de l'année dernière. Cordialement, Benjamin CLEMENTIncrease of the bill
I am surprised to see the new bill that has increased again this year, even though I was not notified. This is disrespectful for your customers. I pay you every year in due form, please reimburse me the difference…1 vote -
Greek characters
It has been a problem last few months: Please look at my attachment. At the main contact list screen everything seems to be ok, but when I try to select a list the programme does not recognize the Greek characters
Thank you and best regardsHello,
Thank you for contacting us.
We support most charset encodings. However, using UTF-8 in your emails is recommended for better compatibility.
Bobbie / Mailjet by SinchDear all,
Please see my previous email and my attachment
I think it is clearly an issue of the platform, that appeared suddenly, without any action…1 vote -
Gelöschte Emails
Wieso ist diese Email immer noch im System? Ich hatte sie bereits mind. 10 x gelöscht!
bauamt-reichelt@gemeinde-zingst.de1 vote -
HTML Error
There is a website error when trying to edit an HTML template. I have tried on multiple browsers and the template will not load.
1 vote -
Umgang mit Fehlern - dealing with errors
Es wäre schön, wenn sich Fehlermeldungen nicht auf ein »Ups, da ist was schiefgegangen« beschränken würden, sondern etwas ausführlicher darstellen würden, was schiefgegangen ist und wie dem abgeholfen werden kann.
It would be nice if error messages weren't limited to "Oops, something went wrong," but went into more detail about what went wrong and how to fix it.
1 vote -
campaign stopped sending 13% complete
campaign stopped sending 18th may only 13% complete
1 vote -
"nous vous offrons 500 vérifications. Sélectionnez une de vos listes pour commencer. Cette offre apparaîtra dans votre prochaine facture."
La gratuité n’apparait pas !!!
Merci de faire des propositions plus claires et transparentes1 vote -
conacter le suppot
j'ai besoin d'avoir le support pour modifier mon abo
1 vote
- Don't see your idea?