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  1. Laut ihrem Support unterstützt Mailjet die Joomla-Version 4 nicht.
    Hier wird man offensichtlich recht alleingelassen, da es keinerlei Information auf ein Update oder sonstige Möglichkeiten gibt

    Hubert Beck


    Update to Joomla 4
    According to their support Mailjet does not support Joomla version 4.
    Here you are obviously left alone, because there is no information about an update or other possibilities.

    Hubert Beck

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  2. Hello,

    Please update the Prestashop module (plugin) to make it compatible with version, because currently there is a 500 error that prevents the module from working .

    Prestashop is the most used ecommerce CMS in France, I don't understand why it is not updated for your customers, we can't use Mailjet on this version anymore...


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  3. Bonjour,
    D'autres plugins wordpress utilisent des déclencheurs comme :
    -La publication d'un nouvel article
    -La publication d'un nouveau commentaire
    - etc...
    (exemple du plugin Mailpoet => Last post notification emails can be set up to automatically send immediately after you’ve published each blog post or on a daily, weekly, or monthly basis.)
    Est-ce que vous prévoyez cette fonction ?

    Ma réflexion vient du fait que je suis en train de construire un devoir de mémoire sur la première guerre mondiale sous forme d'un éphéméride qui va durer plus de 4 ans.
    Chaque jour un article post-daté dans Wordpress sera envoyé…

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  4. Hola,

    Estaría muy bien tener el código para insertar un pop up no a través de botón sino que aparezca directamente el formulario sin necesidad de previamente salir el botón.

    Es el problema de integración que tengo.


    It would be great to have the code to insert a pop up not through a button, but rather the form appears directly without the need to previously exit the button.

    It is the integration problem that I have.

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  5. We are presenting Mailjet as a white-label solution in an iframe. However, the email that's sent to validate an individual sender's email address still contains the Mailjet branding, which causes confusion in a white-label presentation. Please consider providing a solution that provides a white-label experience at all touchpoints, including the email that is sent to validate a sender's email address.

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  6. Hi mailjet team.

    we are using Zapier to transfer new newsletter subscribers to a CRM (monday).

    Unfortunately the API between mailjet an Zapier only can transfer the email-address, but not other fields / properties.
    As you can understand it would make very sense also to transfer fields like name, gender and so on. Especially to a CRM.

    I would love to hear that this is something that is in development and soon to be ready. We really would like to avoid to move from mailjet to another system.

    Thanks & regards,

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  7. I am using the WP integration with Contact Form 7 for years with different websites. In the config section you have only the field email and name available. Here I would like to define more than this 2 fields on because I prefer to store first and last name separately in my contact lists to enhance email communication.

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  8. Im Anmelde-Widget mehrere Kontaktlisten als Checkboxen zur Auswahl zur Verfügung stellen.

    Provide multiple contact lists as checkboxes for selection in the login widget.

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  9. Your Email Templates are great. However being able to send a Template to a Contact List is not an option in Zapier it therefore renders it useless to me. I have no need to send an email to one person. I am sending emails to all my offices and their personnel via our platform which connects to Zapier. This is a huge deficiency in m opinion.

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    1 comment  ·  Integrations  ·  Admin →
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  10. The request is to make an integration with Gravity forms by making an add-on like mailgun: Integrating mailjet by using zapier is not convenient and isn't stable. So hopefully there will come an add-on.

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  11. You show the message "Your sending activity is currently suspended. "
    And in the help you name the reasons (• Recent Sending Statistics
    • Spam Reports
    • Abuse Complaint
    • General Compliance Risk
    • New accounts
    • Account on Test Mode
    ) why it could be suspendet. Please show directly the one that causes the problem.

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  12. La page des intégration CMS ( cite Drupal avec :
    - un lien non fonctionnel vers de la doc
    - un lien vers la page du module sur le site de Drupal et où la dernière version recommandée est une 3.0.0-alpha
    - un lien vers du code d'autres versions (les 8.x-2.N) dont la dernière, assez récente n'est pas reversée dans le site de Drupal

    Notre équipe a test la 3 alpha mais cette version est loin d'être fonctionnelle.

    Il faudrait donc
    - clarifier la version à utiliser
    - mettre à jour cette version pour qu'elle…

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  13. Auriez-vous la possibilité d'ajouter un système recaptcha sur le module "joomla" d'inscription à mailjet pour éviter des spams ?

    Recaptcha for Joomla registration module
    Would it be possible to add a recaptcha system to the mailjet "joomla" registration module to prevent spam?
    Thank you,

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  14. Bonjour l'équipe Mailjet,

    A quand une intégration dans Divi ? Il semblerait que ce soit réclamé depuis un moment déjà, ce serait cool d'y penser. Plus simple et plus facile à gérer visuellement.

    Merci et belle journée !

    Divi Integration
    Hello Mailjet team,

    When will we see an integration in Divi? It seems that this has been requested for a while now, it would be cool to think about it. Simpler and easier to manage visually.

    Thanks and have a nice day!

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  15. We should have more integration with other SAAS tools like various CRM', Microsoft 365, Canva?,, etc.

    Automatic list import or automatic media import.

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  16. El plugin prestashop-mailjet-plugin-apiv3 solo es compatible hasta la versión 1.7.5 y necesitaríamos la actualización a la versión 1.7.8 para poder emplear el módulo en Prestashop.

    Prestashop plugin update
    The prestashop-mailjet-plugin-apiv3 plugin is only compatible up to version 1.7.5 and we would need to update to version 1.7.8 to be able to use the module in Prestashop.

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  17. Integrations often needs to know if a template has changed. At the moment the only way to know that is with a polling mechanism, that's very inefficient.
    A webhook can be a better solution for those cases and can be invoked when published template changes are saved.

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  18. Hello, just a short note about the onboarding workflow. When selecting python, the snippet is not populated with the API keys. It also uses the old python2 syntax for 'print'.

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  19. Bonjour,

    Idée concernant les widgets abonnement :

    Nous souhaiterions qu'après la prise de mail via un widget abonnement (présent sur une page de notre site internet), la page s'actualise puis redirige l'internaute vers une autre page du site.

    Cela permettrait de diminuer le taux de rebond de la page internet.

    Pour rappel : le taux de rebond est un indicateur marketing qui mesure le pourcentage d'internautes qui sont entrés sur une page Web et qui ont quitté le site après, sans consulter d'autres pages. Ils n'ont donc vu qu'une seule page du site. Le taux de rebond est un indicateur…

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  20. Afin de faciliter une bonne intégration graphique du formulaire d'insciption, il serait préférable d'avoir la possibilité d'intégrer celui-ci dans une page en utilisant une simple balise <form>, bien plus simple et souple à utiliser qu'une iframe dont la mise en forme est très limitée.

    In order to facilitate good graphical integration of the registration form, it would be preferable to have the possibility of integrating it into a page using a simple <form> tag, much simpler and more flexible to use than an iframe whose formatting is very limited.

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