Preference Center
Development of a Customizable Preference Center so that clients can choose which contact lists and marketing streams to be subscribed to and unsubscribed from.

Sinead Dolan commented
This is a vital component for any type of mass email communication software.
Evelyn Dick commented
Wir benötigen eine Möglichkeit, dass Kunden sich über ein Formular abmelden können. Dies gibt es bei vielen anderen Anbietern. Leider geht das bei Mailjet nur über den Abmeldelink in der Mail oder manuell.
Kunden wollen sich aber auch so abmelden können.
Unsubscribe form
We need a way for customers to unsubscribe using a form. This is available from many other providers. Unfortunately, with Mailjet this is only possible via the unsubscribe link in the email or manually.However, customers also want to be able to unsubscribe in this way.
Meredith commented
We would like to ask our customers their reason for unsubscribing
Kristel Vranken commented
We like to know why our contacts unsubscribe...!
So, that's why we want to know if, on one way or another, it's possible to 'customize' the way of unsubscribing. Now, our contacts can only choose between: "Yes, I want to unsubscribe" or "No, cancel". So, we want to let them have more different choices.
Some examples:
1. Product info and updates
2. Security alerts and updates
3. Webinars, seminars and events
4. Contests and goodies
So, then later on we can have different contact lists with contacts with different choices.
Another issue in the system is that it would be a good thing if it would be possible to send mailings to different contactlists at once.
Thanks for taking care of this need.
Kind regards,
Kristel Vranken -
Dominique Souren commented
In order to fully customize and adjust the user flow I would like to be able to design/customize the landig page the subscribers are lead to when unsubscribing. As it is it feels like a black box. Also, I could not find any information about how the landing page looks like in the manual. I think that should be available to cover the users exit as well.
Thank you! -
Dominique Souren commented
Please make it possible to further customize the landing page and confirmation email during the widget layout process. It would be nice to be able to add company logos and maybe other identifiers to the design, so that the ux is more seamless and the product looks better. Thank you!
Thomas Wild commented
can you make the unsubscribe page customisable? We would like to edit the text that appears on the page and if possible the color scheme so it can fit better with our needs.
Thank you. -
Christian Gram Bredskov commented
Customize or create your own unsubscription page!
Hi, we just moved to Mailjet and I am very surpriced to find that this is not even possible to have in your own language.
Its much to unprofessional for us to work with and no public client would accept this in Denmark.
Can you give us a workaround or redirect so we can build our own until you guys are ready with this, cause its a very bad impression to give when signing of is supposed to be a "see you again."
Anne Laure GRAS commented
je souhaite pouvoir gérer 2 types de newsletter et donc avoir la possibilité de gérer 2 liens de désinscription. Comment puis je faire cela dans mail jet? est ce qu'il existe une page hébergée qui peut permettre d'avoir plusieurs types de désinscription ? merci pour votre retour -
Judith Rietz commented
We would like to personalize the unsubscribe page of newsletters. If you unsubscribe from the mailing list using the unsubscribe link at the bottom of a mail, the message "Your request has been processed" will only appear in a new window, but we would like to change this sentence to read The mail address XZ was successfully unsubscribed from the newsletter XYZ. This way, recipients of the mails can save this notification in order to present their unsubscription as proof in case they receive further e-mails.