Send to multiple lists

Mailjet is currently exploring options to expand sending options. We are are conducting research to help us inform the best path forward. If anyone is interested in participating in user feedback on this subject, please reach out!
Robert Starr commented
My goodness. I am reaching out. This is one of the most basic pieces of functionality, that is missing, that really should have been there from the start. I'm more than happy to help provide fedback etc. Glad to see this as getting some interest
Bestseller MailJet Admin commented
Sometimes we want to send a campaign to multiple contact lists and I see we cannot do that. Can your team develop something on this, so we can select multiple contact lists for a single campaign?
Thomas Bammert commented
Il serait judicieux de pouvoir envoyer une campagne à plusieurs listes en même temps !!! Je suis obligée de dupliquer ma campagne 8 à 9 fois pour envoyer à 8 ou 9 listes de contact différent, cela fausse mes stats c'est pénible.
Merci -
Sam Dukan commented
Il faut à tout prix pouvoir envoyer une campagne à plusieurs listes.
Send one campaign to several lists.
Robert Starr commented
I am new to mailjet and devestated to read this is a thing. I am thinking of cancelling. I can't fathom duplicating my marketing say 9 times, to send to my 9 lists. What are they thinking? I can also see this is a 4.5 year old request nearly. I have a feeling mailjet development has stalled based on reading other feature requests also. It might be time to reconsider our choice, and look for another platform. Can Mailjet please respond, and let us know if anything is going to happen here, or not?
Erika Rodríguez commented
We should be able to send a single email to various contact lists at the same time. It would make our work significantly easier and save us a few clicks to make our workflow faster.
Thibauld Carriere commented
Pourquoi ne peut-on pas sélectionner plusieurs listes pour une campagne d'envoi ? Actuellement, nous sommes obligés de dupliquer la campagne pour l'envoyer à chaque liste, ce qui entraîne une redondance et une perte de temps considérable.
Serait-il possible de permettre la sélection de plusieurs listes pour une campagne ? Cette amélioration simplifierait grandement notre processus d'envoi.
Merci pour votre attention.
Hello,Why can't we select several lists for a mailing campaign? Currently, we have to duplicate the campaign to send it to each list, which leads to redundancy and a considerable loss of time.
Would it be possible to allow multiple lists to be selected for a campaign? This would greatly simplify our mailing process.
Thank you for your attention.
Fred Griot commented
Depuis des années j'envoie ma lettre d'infos à 10 de listes de contacts différentes environs. Du coup je duplique ma lettre 10 fois et fait des envois à chacune des listes de contacts.
Mais n'y a -t-il pas moyen de l'envoyer à plusieurs listes à la fois ?
Cest étonnant que cette fonctionnalité n’existe pas car j’imagine que beaucoup de gens sont dans mon cas.
Merci par avanceENGLISH
Send to several contact lists at the same time
For years I've been sending my newsletter to about 10 different contact lists. So I duplicate my letter 10 times and send to each of the contact lists.
But isn't there a way to send it to several lists at once?
I'm surprised this feature doesn't exist, as I imagine a lot of people are in my situation.
Thanks in advance -
Skand Bhandarkar commented
Please add this feature. It is used by all the corporates
Suzanne Holsomback commented
It is a huge user experience issue when multiple contact lists cannot be selected for a marketing campaign. My company cannot use segmentation due to some API connections to our software and so we have sent to multiple contact lists with other EMS providers and really would like this for MailJet.
Jean Marc Hubert commented
Lors de l'envoi d'une campagne de pouvoir sélectionner plusieurs listes de contacts.
Actuellement nous ne pouvons sélectionner qu'une seule liste par envoi -
Jean Marc Hubert commented
Sélectionner plusieurs listes de contacts lors d'un envoi d'une news
Griffin Hansen commented
Sending to multiple segments at the same time is a critically-important feature. Nearly all other email services I've used have this feature, and it's surprising that Mail Jet does not. Suppressing selected segments from sends would be an additional and totally essential feature.
Paul Skilbeck commented
Most other mail blast clients I have used allow a campaign to be sent to multiple lists. I am surprised Mailjet does not yet include this time-saving essential feature.
(Edited by admin) -
Gonzalo Vilarino commented
Please add the possibility of sending to multiple lists. For example I have 9 different lists that grow separately. It is crazy to have to duplicate each campaign 9 times . Merging all 9 lists is not always practical since Campaigns do not always go out to all 9 lists at the same time. This should be easy to just put a check mark next to the list you want to send to!
Katharina Schnäcker commented
Es wäre sehr hilfreich, wenn man mehrere Verteiler/Empfänger-/Kontaktlisten pro Mail auswählen könnte. :)
It would be very helpful if you could select multiple distribution lists/recipients/contact lists per mail.
Bonjour, serait-ce possible d'envoyer la même campagne à plusieurs listes de contacts au lieu de devoir dupliquer la campagne et de lui attribuer une nouvelle liste de diffusion à chaque fois ?
Communication Ligue AuRA Rugby
Multiple mailing list
Hello, would it be possible to send the same campaign to more than one contact list instead of having to duplicate the campaign and assign a new mailing list each time? Instead of having to duplicate the campaign and assign a new mailing list each time? -
Guillaume Catoni commented
Bonjour l'équipe,
La possibilité d'envoyer une campagne à plusieurs listes en même temps serait VRAIMENT appréciée!
L'option de dépannage qui consiste à créer une liste globale ou de dupliquer une campagne autant de fois qu'il y a de listes n'est pas efficace.
Merci -
Fallon commented
I need to be able to select multiple lists for 1 campaign
edgar chuquiruna commented
Want to select multiple contact lists and segments for a single campaign.