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  1. The two things I need help with are related to the notification messages associated with the Subscription Widget.

    First, it appears messages display vertically centered in the space represented by the subscription widget’s space on the screen. There's "too much vertical" so the message gets lost because of all the scrolling required. I'd like to see more control over the placement of the messages, or at least position the messages at the top of the iframe.

    Next, line breaks are not being honored in the confirmation message. We want to use a custom message with a few lines but what…

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  2. Les conditions et filtres de l'option de segmentation des listes de contacts sont très incomplètes. Il faudrait rajouter des fonctions pour segmenter les listes selon d'autres listes ou selon d'autres campagnes. On peut "ne pas envoyer la campagne B aux gens ayant ouvert la campagne A" mais par contre impossible de "ne pas envoyer la campagne B aux gens ayant recu la campagne A" ce qui est ridicule. L'absence de cette option est si aberrante que j'en viens à me demander si ce n'est pas fait exprès de la part de mailjet pour nous forcer à atteindre plus rapidement notre…

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  3. Allow for TSV (Tab delimited) file uploads. Currently with CSV only the usage of apostrophe and comma within string fields corrupts the import process. Putting quotes around every field with apostrophe and commas in them is not a good solution. You already export in TSV formatting for Excel so it should be easily implemented to allow for TSV uploading.

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  4. Bonjour, à la demande de Bozhidara Meleva je vous contactes aujourd'hui.

    Ma requêté était de pouvoir rassembler dans un liste plusieurs segments si possible.

    Voici le lien de ma liste :

    Voici le lien de mes segments:

    et normalement ce segment est déjà ajouté à ma liste :

    Merci par avance,
    Raynaud Jean-Baptiste

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  5. Need to be able to use segments against the entire contacts database at the account/sub-account level so that all contacts fitting the criteria can be emailed. Restriction of list size to 20MB and having to uplaod a list to be able to email to it when you have dynamic lists is very time consuming. Being able to access the mast contact list then applying segmentation to it does away with having to upload new lists.

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  6. For accounts with sub-accounts have a tab on the main account page to be able to see data/stats across all sub-accounts. Be able to see metrics (delivered, open/click rates, etc.) and be able to have a custom time/date range.

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  7. I really need to be able to see how many (and which) of my mailing lists is an email address subscribed to. To do it, I need to click on each subscriber one by one. I prefer to have this list on a comprehensive level, i.e. on all the whole list of subscribers and in one (1) view. Not by clicking on one by one the subscribers. I really wish to see this filtering feature.

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  8. Allow for TSV file uploads. You already export lists in TSV format and using TSV allows for the use of commas within data with no chance of creating bad records.

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  9. Concernant la segmentation, il serait bien qu'elle soit un peu plus développée :
    - possibilité d'exporter les segments
    - augmenter les possibilités de configuration des filtres : par exemple : pouvoir dire "est abonné depuis plus de X temps" ou "ne s'est pas abonné dans les derniers X temps".
    Ou encore mieux, pouvoir intervertir un filtre (s'est abonné dans les 3 derniers mois, lorsqu'il est interverti devient "ne s'est pas abonné dans les 3 derniers mois)

    Regarding segmentation, it would be nice if it were a little more developed:

    ability to export segments
    increase the possibilities of configuring filters: for…

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  10. Add the ability to create a link that can be given out for newsletter signups.

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  11. Adjust the size of a segment
    As of now the amount of conditions that can be used to create a segment is limited only a certain amount of characters can be used to generate a segment. Therefor I would like to have the ability to generate a segment that can hold more characters within it to build segments that hold more conditions

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  12. Hi, this is such a pity that we can't export all contacts with their respective contact properties directly from the "All Contacts" list. Or is it because of privacy reason? Is it on your roadmap to add this functionality?

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  13. We would like to be able to embed the widget using strictly html instead of using an iframe. This gives us full control on the code. We are concerned about ADA compliance since iframes are not compliant. Disabled users cant user their assitive devices on iframes. Thank you!

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  14. Buenos días, nos gustaría tener una consulta para que no tengamos que ir añadiendo uno a uno los campos, como en nuestro caso, los códigos de curso. Nos sería de gran ayuda tener una sentencia WHERE IN (...) en la que pudiéramos añadir diferentes valores, te añado captura de un ejemplo que usamos.

    Quedamos atento.

    Un saludo y gracias.

    Good morning, we would like to have a consultation so that we do not have to add the fields one by one, as in our case, the course codes. It would be very helpful for us to have a WHERE IN…

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  15. Bonjour,
    Concernant la Segmentation.
    Les Campagnes programmées devraient être disponible dans la segmentation :
    "N'a pas ouvert la campagne > campagne programmée"
    Dans le cadre de relance aux contacts n'ayant pas ouvert la précédente campagne, cela permettrait de programmée une Campagne à un segment complet + la Relance à un segment n'ayant pas ouvert cette Campagne.
    Actuellement, nous pouvons segmenter uniquement par des Campagnes déjà envoyées. Il est impossible de programmer une relance.
    J'espère que c'est suffisamment clair par écrit.
    Bonne journée

    Regarding segmentation.
    Scheduled Campaigns should be available in the segmentation:
    "Has not opened campaign > scheduled campaign"…

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  16. Bonjour,

    Une amélioration serait bien pratique !

    Certaines adresses sont obsolètes ce qui nous amène à les modifier. Or nous ne pouvons pas les modifier et la seule solution est de supprimer l'adresse et de recréer l'adresse manuellement avec tous les paramètres/facteurs la concernant !

    L'idée serait donc de pouvoir modifier les adresses déjà enregistrée

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  17. Support an array data type for contact properties.

    We are using Mailjet to contact customers of our software. We need to message different segments of customers based on which features they subscribe to (or which permissions a user has). Because of the numbers of features/permissions and the ongoing addition of new ones, it isn't particularly viable to map this to a series of boolean contact properties.

    If you natively supported an array/list data type, that's what we'd ideally use to store this information, and then set up segments accordingly. The most obvious comparison operators I can foresee wanting to use…

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  18. Add the function of multi contact deletion to the account instead of requesting it be done through support.

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  19. I would like to segment to people who have clicked on a specifik link in the newsletter.

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  20. I asked through a support ticket, and confirmed it's not possible to edit the appearance of the widget error or success messages that a visitor sees. I am able to edit the text, but can't change a font size or color to make the style match the rest of my site. I tried to put inline HTML into the confirmation message, and it did not render as HTML, but showed the HTML tag in the confirmation message. This is an important feature for us, as the confirmation message is quite ugly.

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