Edit an active Automation Workflows
Right now, it is not possible to edit an automation workflow once it's started. The only workaround is to stop it and create a new one from this one.
It would be very helpful to be able to edit active workflows to test different changes.
Robert Starr commented
Oh my goodness, this is another 4 year old request, or a critical feature, that has not been addressed. Is mailjet still active and developing?
Thomas DELATTRE commented
Is this feature coming to the tool in the near future?
It is critical to be able to edit an active workflow -
David Keegan commented
Martina Tomis commented
I would really appreciate it if I could add a new email to a certain point of an existing workflow. Subscribers who passed that point in the workflow wouldn't be affected. Subscribers who haven't passed that point would follow the updated workflow with the new email added.
The same principle could work for removing emails from the workflows.
And a great feature would also be to allow adding an email to the end of the workflow and allow to send it immediately to everyone who has finished the workflow already.
David Keegan commented
I've been updating the subject lines of the email templates used in my automations, then realized that the subject lines were locked in when I first created the automation, with no way to change them. I had to completely remake a couple automations just to update the subject lines, which was a bummer.
John Thornton commented
Would love to be able to edit workflows and workflow emails.
Annaëve SaÏag commented
So important !
It's been 2 years for this first feedback, maybe Mailjet team have an update to tell us ? -
Mohamed Sifaoui commented
Édition de mails dans les workflows actifs.
Pour pouvoir ajuster sa stratégie marketing et la rendre plus agile, surtout pour des produits qui changent très régulièrement. La modification. des worklfows actifs est très complexe aujourd'hui ce qui me décourage à les utiliser tellement la procédure est périlleuse !
je croise les doigts pour que ce soit un développement à venir !Active workflows - Editing mails
Editing emails in active workflows.
To be able to adjust its marketing strategy and make it more agile, especially for products that change very regularly. The modification of active workflows is very complex today, which discourages me from using them because the procedure is so perilous!
I keep my fingers crossed that this will be a future development! -
Jamie Tomes commented
I haven't been able to update a Subject Line on an Email Template that is within an Automated Workflow and it update. In order to change a Subject Line, I have to copy the Workflow, Lock the original, move my traffic over to the Newly created one but before I move them, make sure the subject line is updated.
My suggestion is the ability to update Subject Lines and Preview Text Copy within an Email Template in an Active Automation Workflow without having to create new workflows. Adding the ability to update the Subject Line while the Workflow is active will eliminate additional steps and work.
Mr Burch commented
Currently you have to stop a campaign which means then duplicating it. I'd like to be able to pause and edit.
Anonymous commented
Seems as if there is a trick to re-activate the workflow:
- Stop it
- Archive it
- Restore it
- Edit it
- StartitIt still shows the statistics of the original workflow. But I am not sure if the users will still get their e-mails as expected.
Sally Dillon commented
I agree!!!
Alex commented
Absolutely true, this makes no sense - I want to be able to change emails, improve them, add new ones and remove other ones. The most obvious thing on the planet, isn't it? When can we expect this feature to be added?
Dave commented
I agree with Ivan.
I saved a workflow, with just one email.
Had hoped to come back and add a sequence of emails as a mini-course for subscribers in behind the first welcome email. I can't seem to do that (or am I missing something?) and it means I will have to set up the whole automated mini-course email sequence in one go?