Default account language should be on shared access level
The default language of the master account is impacting all subaccounts and all shared accesses as there is no setting per shared access for the default language.
Same to the timezone.
It is really hard to describe to a shared access user from france why their account is forced to use english as this is the default for the master account and there is no user config possible.

Maria commented
Having the ability to update the timezone per sub-account would be very useful for schedulling emails as at the moment people from different parts of the world need to calculate and refer back to the default timezone - US which creates confusion and mistakes!
Justin Carlson commented
Subaccounts should be able to set a time zone different than the master account.
Aaron commented
The time zone component of this is especially important to our company, because our subaccounts span several timezones...making timing/coordinating emails more troublesome than they need to be.
Thanks! -
Dave Hultin commented
Being able to set the time zone for each subaccount is critically important for us.
Trisha Dominguez commented
We can't believe there isn't the ability for subaccounts to have their own timezone like others have mentioned in this thread.
This is very critical to our business needs as we have clients across multiple time zones that are retaining/using our 'master' account's timezone because of this issue. This is already causing confusion for clients when they see a timestamp of 1, 2, 3+ hours off or different than their own time zone.
This has to change- please consider this a very, very urgent high priority!!
Service Emailing commented
Nous avons 79 sous-comptes et 190 utilisateurs répartis dans plusieurs pays. Tous ne sont pas sur le même fuseau horaire et n'ont pas la même langue.
Pour autant lorsqu'un de nos utilisateurs règle la langue ou le fuseau horaire sur son sous-compte, cela s'applique à l'intégralité de nos utilisateurs et de nos sous-comptes. Ce n'est pas exploitable en l'état.
Nous pouvons difficilement demander à nos gestionnaires éloignés de remettre le fuseau horaire et la langue d'origine lorsqu'ils ont fini d'utiliser l'interface (et quand bien même nous le ferions, nous ne sommes pas à l'abri d'un oubli).
Nous avons besoin que la configuration de la langue et du fuseau d'horaire ne soit plus mutualisée pour l'ensemble de nos sous-comptes et utilisateurs. Soit celle-ci doit être enregistrée par utilisateur, soit par sous-compte, mais elle ne doit en aucun cas s'appliquer à tout le monde.
We have 79 sub-accounts and 190 users spread across multiple countries. All are not on the same time zone and do not have the same language.
However, when one of our users sets the language or time zone on their sub-account, this applies to all of our users and sub-accounts. It is not usable as is.
We can hardly ask our remote managers to put back the original timezone and language when they're done using the interface (and even if we did, we're not immune to a oversight).
We need the language and time zone configuration to no longer be mutualized for all of our sub-accounts and users. Either this must be registered per user or per sub-account, but it should not apply to everyone.
Walter Donegà commented
It would be very useful to have the choice to change the interface language per subaccount.
In our region there are two official languages italian and german.
Thanks for the attention -
Pooja Kaushik commented
The ability to set a "per-default" sub account per shared access.
Ghita Redouan commented
The time setting is for the entire account, there is no option to set a time zone per sub-account, so once the time zone is changed, it applies to all the sub-accounts.
So we’re back to the same problem of having this timezone setting (and language setting too) shared among the complete set of sub-accounts.So I can understand for my colleagues in the US or in HK to work with CET time is not helpful to schedule their own emails, as well as for our colleagues in Tokyo to work in English interface may also be an issue, or see one day suddenly that their colleague in Chile change the entire platform in Spanish, just as example.
However, the countries would like to be able to set up their accounts in their own languages and timezone.
Is there any possibility to do that?
Thank you.
Georges Alasdair Hache commented
We have numerous user in different time zones and multiple sub-accounts working in the same Mailjet account, and they struggle to schedule/manage campaigns because the timezone of the account doesn't match theirs.
I would like to set a timezone per user (shared access).