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  1. Vorrei che fosse inserito la possibilità di notifica email di avvenuta iscrizione di un contatto su una lista mailjet tramite il form

    Notification of successful subscription to a list
    I would like to have included the ability to email notification that a contact has been subscribed to a mailjet list via the form

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  2. Allow the send time of a campaign to be affected by a customer's "most likely to open email" time

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  3. Our new process of building campaigns needs more granular control of the permission levels.

    We are using 5 templates per sub-account that are built by our design team and published, and then our marketing coordinators create campaigns from these. Because we work with 22 international automotive brands we then need to check the content, we also try to peer review before campaigns are sent.

    Can we have similar permission controls to the template levels, a user can create a campaign draft, and then it had to be published/approved by a user with a higher level before being able to be…

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  4. statistics about open time average for a selected time/date period would be very usefull. Example: to know that in a average for the last 6 month that 52% of my useres open the newsletters between 7:00 and 10:00 and a other 38 % between 6:00 pm and 9:00 pm would be realy userfull

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  5. The Master account should be able to limit the access of shared accounts. Add a check box for "Rest API" and App Connections

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  6. It would be nice if the new form editor also offered the possibility to use a checkbox as a form field - for contact properties of the type "Boolean".

    Es wäre nett, wenn im neuen Form-Editor auch die Möglichkeit besteht, eine Checkbox als Formularfeld einsetzen zu können - für Kontakteigenschaften des Typs "Boolean".

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    1 comment  ·  Form Builder  ·  Admin →
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  7. My misunderstanding was due to the lack of SMTP User / SMTP Password mentions
    until I guessed to take the APY keys for that

    A suggestion : put a remark in the SMTP only block. "Use APY keys for SMTP User / SMTP Password"
    Also, I was confused because the read-only fields of the SMTP only block appeared so grayed that I took them as placeholders (I use the dark mode)

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  8. Bonjour,
    Lorsque un mail est envoyé avec une clé API de notre compte sans être validée, pouvoir avoir le header du mail en question pour pouvoir debuguer d'ou provient cet email.

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    0 comments  ·  Email API  ·  Admin →
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  9. Bonjour, de gros problèmes à l'inscription sur vos nouveaux formulaires qui remplacent l'inscription. Le bug est qu'il est souvent impossible de s'inscrire pour les utilisateurs. De plus la mise en forme des champs du formulaire (alignement à gauche par exemple) ne fonctionne pas !

    Big bug : to improve
    Hello, big problems with the registration on your new forms that replace the registration. The bug is that it is often impossible for users to register. Moreover the formatting of the fields of the form (alignment on the left for example) does not work!

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  10. Two requests:
    1. Please make it easier to add a contact to a distribution list. The format you are utilizing is very IT driven and not everyday people user friendly.

    1. Please add a a sort function to Contact Lists and make the display properties stay in place. It is annoying to have to add display properties every time you leave and return to the page.
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  11. Name fields don't have min length. So even if the field is required it can be bypassed by just entering a space or a bunch of spaces. Basically defeating the point of being a required field

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  12. You show the message "Your sending activity is currently suspended. "
    And in the help you name the reasons (• Recent Sending Statistics
    • Spam Reports
    • Abuse Complaint
    • General Compliance Risk
    • New accounts
    • Account on Test Mode
    ) why it could be suspendet. Please show directly the one that causes the problem.

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  13. API documentation is atrocious. Example given for sending a basic email does not work, gives a 400 error message stating that "At least FromEmail or Sender must be provided" when following all steps provided. No further details about this error in the documentation. Price was a good draw, but API like this will have us going to another provider.

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  14. La page des intégration CMS ( cite Drupal avec :
    - un lien non fonctionnel vers de la doc
    - un lien vers la page du module sur le site de Drupal et où la dernière version recommandée est une 3.0.0-alpha
    - un lien vers du code d'autres versions (les 8.x-2.N) dont la dernière, assez récente n'est pas reversée dans le site de Drupal

    Notre équipe a test la 3 alpha mais cette version est loin d'être fonctionnelle.

    Il faudrait donc
    - clarifier la version à utiliser
    - mettre à jour cette version pour qu'elle…

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  15. proposer des modèles widget en français

    hello, how to get a widget that is in french. The proposed templates are all in English
    offer widget templates in french

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  16. Sur la page d'une campagne, lorsque l'on veut exporter les statistiques de la campagne (ouvreurs et cliqueurs), serait-il possible d'ajouter la possibilité de choisir les champs que l'on souhaite exporter tels que nom de la société, nom et prénom du contact, etc.

    Choice of export fields for campaign stats
    On the campaign page, when you want to export campaign statistics (openers and clickers), would it be possible to add the option of choosing the fields you want to export, such as company name, contact name and surname, etc.?

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  17. I am unable to make the new subscription form work on my website. When copying the HTML code to an embedded widget, no subscribe button is displayed, as is currently the case. There is no button code in the new system, so how does one make this work? I am using Website Builder from UK2.

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  18. Contact list overview section on top of lists should be linkable. It would save so much time just clicking on it and going to that/those contact(s).

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  19. Liebes mailjet-Entwicklungsteam,

    ich habe den neuen Form-Editor ausgiebig getestet und festgestellt, dass er den alten Form-Editor nicht ersetzen kann:

    – es gibt keine Möglichkeit, Radio-Buttons oder Auswahlfelder anzulegen

    – es wird keine Schnittstelle zur Übergabe von POST-Parametern per Action-URL aus eigenen Formularen unterstützt

    – die Option, selbst HTML-Code ins Formular zu packen, legt den Code automatisch innerhalb eines iFrames ab (dann iFrame innerhalb des Widget.iFrames), sodass dieser wie eine Barrierre die evtl. erfassten Inputs (z. B. aus einer Auswahlliste) blockt.

    DIese Mängel bzw. Vreschlechterungen wurden mir vom Support (Ticket #2440031) bestätigt.

    Meine Bitte: / mein Vorschlag
    Verlängern Sie die im…

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  20. il y a un bug depuis longtemps sur la gestion des contacts : quand on supprime un contact d'une liste de contact, il s'affiche un messge d'alerte ROUGE sur la page du navigateur, et ensuite la recherche par nom dans le champ de recherche ne fonctionne plus.


    contact page bug
    there's been a bug in contact management for a long time: when you delete a contact from a contact list, a RED alert message appears on the browser page, and then searching by name in the search field no longer works

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