803 results found
Access to Distribution Lists of Microsoft Outlook
In most of the cases companies own Microsoft Outlook with Distribution Lists containing email ids of their employees.
To be able to use the distribution lists of Microsoft Outlook instead of uploading Contact Lists, Authorization via Exchange Online is needed.1 vote -
Make the "already confirmed" message customizable
When a user clicks on the confirmation message, if the link has already been used, there is an error message: "fail confirming contact: contacts list signup already confirmed".
I am building a form for French people and I would like to customize this message to translate it and make it more readable to the users.
1 vote -
Do not allow subscription when already subscribed
At the moment, if a user is already part of the contact list attached to the form, the subscription process still takes place normally (a confirmation email is sent, etc.).
That's not how it should work IMO. The form should check whether the email is already existing in the attached contact list, and if it is the case, it should show a customizable error message, such as : "This email is already subscribed".
1 vote -
Mailjet should not "preblock" email address in our own domain
If you send email to an internal account which hasn't been set up yet, Mailjet decides that it is an attempt to send spam and "preblocks" the address for 90 days. This doesn't make sense for internal accounts.
For example, suppose I have a new employee named Susan and I add susan@mydomain.com to a mailing list, or I send her mail through a system that uses the Mailjet API (which is the case that happened to me). But, oops, the person setting up the email account hadn't set it up yet! Mailjet now "preblocks" her address for three months and,…
2 votes -
Indentifizierungscodes kommen mit enormer Verspätung an. Bitte auf diese Sicherheitsmaßnahme vorerst verzichten
Ich habe nun eine Dreiviertelstunde gebraucht um mich einzuloggen, weil es so lange dauert bis mir die Identfizierungscodes zugeschickt werden. Solange Mailjet nicht in der Lage ist diese Code zumindest bissen einer Minute zu verschicken, bitte vorerst auf diese Sicherheitsmaßnahme verzichten. So kann man nicht effizient arbeiten.
Identification codes arrive with an enormous delay. Please do without this security measure for the time being
It has now taken me three quarters of an hour to log in because it takes so long for the identification codes to be sent to me. As long as Mailjet is not able to…1 vote -
Make webhook status visible
When a webhook is deactivated, there is no way to see this as an administrator. Only support is able to see this.
Please make the status visible.Mail from support:
"That information (webhook status) is provided by a back-end tool we have. However, I can definitely see how beneficial this would be to view via app. We have passed along your feedback to the appropriate channels."1 vote -
Mailjet is hard
Mailjet is very complicated and hard to use. can we make it easy enough so non tech users like me can use it?
1 vote -
IA pour création d'email
Nous utilisons un autre outil utilisant l'IA pour l'automation (relances panier, etc.).
Des fonctionnalités sont vraiment utiles et nous permettent de gagner beaucoup de temps.
Par exemple, le fait de renseigner l'url d'un produit, et la génération automatique des vignettes produits (titre, description, prix, CTA).
Nous adorons cette fonctionnalité nous aimerions beaucoup la voir sur mail jet !!!ENGLISH
AI for email creation
We use another tool that uses AI for automation (shopping cart reminders, etc.).
Some features are really useful and save us a lot of time.
For example, filling in a product's url, and automatic generation…1 vote -
Störende Fehler
Guten Tag,
ich halte hier einmal fest, was mich schon immer stört:
zum einen nervt mich eurer kurzes Timeout. Wenn man etwas bearbeiten muss und man wird mal von Kollegen gestört, dann ist man im nächsten Augenblick schon wieder abgemeldet. Es gibt Seiten, da bin ich den ganzen Tag angemeldet und fliege nicht raus.
Was auch nervt, ist euer Captcha. Wenn man schon 2FA verwendet, warum muss man dann noch Captcha verwenden, diesen Müll. Es gibt besseres.
Was ich schon ein paar mal geschrieben hatte, warum ist es euch nicht möglich, die Farben, die man in einem Dokument verwendet und…1 vote -
Allow users to order their contact list by A to Z in name/email or by date subscribed. Filtering is possible now, but ordering is not.
Order subscribers in contact lists by alphabetical order or date subscribed columns
2 votes -
Email-Filter auf der Statistik-Seite
ich hätte einen Feature-Wunsch: Können Sie auf der Statistik-Seite einen EMail-Filter ergänzen?
Die Filterung nach Datum oder EMail-Status ist für uns nicht so relevant. Wir müssen von Zeit zu Zeit gucken welche Mails an einen bestimmten User verschickt wurde. Wir nutzen Ihr System nicht für einen Newsletter-Versand, sondern für den Versand von Status-Mails an unsere User aus unserer TeamDrive-Software heraus. Hier bekommt der User unterschiedliche Mail-Templates zugeschickt. Ich kann jetzt nur den Tag eingrenzen und muss mich dann durch die zahlreichen Seiten klicken, um auf den Seiten dann jeweils nach der Email-Adresse zu suchen. Es wäre so viel einfacher,…
5 votes -
Indices et exposants
Ajouter la possibilité de mettre du texte en indice ou exposant
Subscripts and superscripts
Add the ability to subscript or superscript text4 votes -
3 Missing Features on Mailjet
Three Requests:
1. Include Menu Bar on Template Page
2. Exclude Robot sign-in for Enrolled Clients.
3. Create Auto Exclude Feature for: Blocked/Unsubscribed, Hard Bounced.7 votes -
Negative segments or Exception segments
It would be useful to have more flexibility with segmenting, or using segments in campaigns. For example, you can only choose the positive, not the negative, e.g. filter by "all who subscribed in the last month", but you can't choose neither in-segment, nor in-campaign, to "not" send to those people, or segment those who did "not" subscribe within the last month, therefore it's very difficult to send to the other group if you want to, without creating a brand new list. SO either a "not" drop down and adjustment to the descriptions when creating the segments, or a campaign option…
7 votes -
Border radius
How could we add border radius in column ? In mjml it is really simple, but it's not possible.
Why ?
2 votes -
Contact property options
When looking up webhits on Mailjet we are not able to look up at the contact properties such as company names and job titles and it is important when we are analyzing the results of the campaigns sent out and in trying to understand performance. Should that be given we can integrate Vlookup method. This would be a potential improvement to the service
2 votes -
I seem to only see support tickets I have logged myself, although I am logged in as the Primary account.I would like see/update tickets log
I seem to only have a view of support tickets I have logged myself, although I am logged in as the Primary account. I would like an option to view/update tickets logged by other subaccount users.
7 votes -
Remembered unsubscription status
Regarding the issue where a contact unsubscribes from one of our lists but will still recieve emails from us if said contact is on other lists.
Mailjet's answer to this is that if a contact wants to unsubscribe from several lists, which should be ca always? I need to remove the contact. But if I import my contact list again with this contact, there's no recollection of former unsubscription.
We're seeing an increased unsub rate due to this and contacts have been reaching out to us wondering why we're still emailing them. With the new inbox requirements from Gmail and…
7 votes -
Action to set subscription status based off external boolean CSV field
On the action list for importing contacts can we please have an option to be able to import and subscribe contacts based off a boolean in the CSV to support external lists of marketing (and then update contacts subscription status if they exist and based off the boolean)
1 vote -
Make a membernumber the unique identifikation in stead of mailadress
Make a membernumber the unique identifikation in stead of mailadress so we can make sure that we don't send to old mailadresses of our members. Sometimes we have uploade more mailadresses on the same member, if the membernumber was the unique identifikation we could make sure it did not happen.
4 votes
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