Use reCAPTCHA v3 to connect instead of intrusive v2
Please use the reCAPTCHA v3 which is much less intrusive for users . I connect several times a day, every day, and it's really unpleasant to have to indicate where are the crosswalks, bikes, cars and so on... and yet this feature has been implemented only a few days ago if I'm not mistaken!
Thank you and have a nice day.

Hi all,
We're planning on making reCAPTCHA less intrusive in Q1 of 2022.
Robert Starr commented
I can see Mailjet responded nearly 3 years ago on this, but it's still happening. Is development still ongoing at mailjet?
email-tech commented
Please move away from Google Captcha, it is so broken! Constantly asking me to identify the fire hydrants and telegrah poles. Can you switch to or something else that's better? Thanks :)
Stéphane Berthe commented
cela devient trop lourd la reconnaissance anti-robot avec les images lors de la demande de connexion, je viens d'y passer 20mn alors que les réponses étaient bonnes !!!
Kjell Rilbe commented
The current login experience is really bad. I have MFA enabled with Google Authenticator. I would expect that protection layer to be pretty much sufficient, so that the captcha could be skipped when using MFA. But you have the captcha there regardless. Why?
At the very least, after successful captcha + MFA login, you should mark that device as trusted, preferably until further notice, but at least for 60 days. If, during that period, the user does another successful login, extend the trust period.
Or, as a really last resort, make the captcha less obnoxious, at least when the user has MFA enabled. As it is now, I usually have to go through two or three rounds of clicking images.
Dietmar Petutschnig commented
when I login using a VPN your captcha goes through a never ending loop of no robot test- can you please disable that or use a mor moderate setting ?
Elie Sloïm commented
The login system and catpcha is a SHAME.
Phu Ngo commented
It's been two years since the announcement of rolling this out in Q1 of 2022. Still not done?
Norman Ballard commented
Just letting you know that if you keep up image captcha at login, I will have to move to another platform. I don't have the time to mess around with an AI's interpretation as to whether a bicycle wheel is a bicycle.
Alexander Juergens commented
Was soll das bei euch mit diesem Captcha Spiel beim Einloggen. Das nervt und ist zeitraubend!
What's with this captcha game when you log in? It's annoying and time-consuming! -
Johanna Stråberg Romero commented
Pleace stop with so many "no robot- pictures" where you have to choose several pictures of busses/steps and so forth. It is getting very very irritating because it happends very often and takes alot of time! We are even considurating changing till mailchimp if this doesn´t stop!
Olivier TALBERT commented
Ajouter l'option "connexion automatique" pour ne plus avoir de Google ReCaptcha.
Ana de Staal commented
Bonjour, lorsque je me connecte j'ai des Captcha à remplir, deux, trois, quatre parfois même cinq fois ! C'est long, exaspérant et frustrant de nous prendre pour des profs de l'IA, alors que nous sommes pressés dans notre travail. Pourriez-vous faire la gentillesse de limiter vos Captchas, idéalement les supprimer ? Merci infiniment.
Hello, when I log on I have Captchas to fill in, two, three, four and sometimes even five times! It's time-consuming, exasperating and frustrating to take us for AI teachers, when we're in a hurry with our work. Could you be so kind as to limit your Captchas, and ideally do away with them? Thank you very much. -
justine Levasseur commented
J'ai eu plusieurs retours de nos clients concernant la difficulté du catch.
Mes clients en sont insatisfaits et passent trop de temps à essayer de le résoudre alors qu ils ne sont mêmes pas sur leur espace de travail !
Il y en a 3 différents et certains sont très aléatoires sur les réponses et peu fiables. Pourriez vous améliorer cela et le rendre plus facile, plus commun ? Il n y a que sur votre site que je rencontre cette difficulté de captcha.
I've had a lot of feedback from our customers about the difficulty of the recaptcha.
My customers are dissatisfied with it and spend too much time trying to solve it when they're not even on their workspace!
There are 3 different ones and some of them are very random and unreliable. Could you improve this and make it easier and more common? Only on your site do I encounter this captcha difficulty.
Thank you -
Meg Lam commented
It would be much more user-friendly to choose a different type of CAPTCHA. Now the image-selecting type is ambiguous and takes a lot of time to re-test again and again for a few times before I can log in.
Emil Esletzbichler commented
Hi! Everything okay - just wanted to comment that 'every time signin in to mailjet account having to deal with the google captcha mystery is nothing but a pain' :) Another solution very appreciated ...
rachel barrier commented
Bonjour l'équipe de Mailjet,
Depuis quelques jours lorsque je me connecte sur mailjet, on me demande de vérifier si l'image qui s'affiche est une moto ou un passage piéton. Jusque là rien d'anormal. En revanche ce qui n'est pas normal c'est que je dois valider entre 14 (min) et 24 (max) photos à chaque connexion !! Je vous demande de changer cela dans les plus brefs délais, c'est vraiment une perte de temps... Et si on revenait à 3/4 images à valider ?
Je vous remercie et vous souhaite à toutes et à tous bien du courage !
Belle journéeImage validation on connection... 24 images !! Waste of time
Hello Mailjet team,
For a few days now, when I connect to mailjet, I'm asked to check whether the image displayed is a motorcycle or a crosswalk. So far so good. However, what's not normal is that I have to validate between 14 (min) and 24 (max) photos each time I log on! Please change this as soon as possible, it's really a waste of time... How about going back to 3/4 images to validate?
Thank you and best wishes to all of you!
Have a nice day! -
Oscar Franco commented
Hey, it's really annoying that I need to login every single time again and select the picture of taxis or motorcycles. Even though I tick the "save login for next time" button, it just does not work. I also saw, that your changelog / "Whats new" section is not loading, so if you need a better tool for this, you're welcome to check out Productlane :))
Louis Hourmant commented
Please stop this reCAPTCHA system for entering the site : we are note the free workers of the IA. If this is going on, we are considering using another provider.
Alessandro Rinaldi commented
Probably v3 isn't the best answer here: if you have a low score, you have no way to access. No fallback, no cars or traffic lights to select, nothing. You simply don't access.
It's strange you're asked to select crosswalks and bikes every time you login, I just have to click on the "I'm not a robot" button and I'm free to go. Maybe you're using some kind of VPN or proxy?
Indeed, invisible reCaptcha v2 instead of the box should be a good fit.
Julie Paci commented
Faudrait surtout passer à catcha v3 ! Relou de devoir cliquer chaque fois sur le bouton quand on veut se logguer. Ya que sur votre site qu'il y a ce problème...