781 results found
Notification for new subscribers
Benachrichtigung bei neuen Abonnent*innen
Für nachgelagerte Marketingaktionen wäre es sehr hilfreich, wenn man sich eine Benachrichtung/Email zusenden lassen kann, wenn es einen neuen Abonennten in einer Kontaktliste gibt. Aktuell bin ich darauf angewiesen mit täglich einzuloggen und zu schauen, ob sie jemand neues registriert hat. Bitte prüfen sie diesen Vorschlag udn geben sie mir Rückmeldung, ob sie in diesen in das Backlog ihrere Produktentwicklung übernehmen werden. In der Tat ist das in Zukunft ein sehr wichtiges Feature für uns, was auch entscheidend dafür wird, ob wir weiterhin bei Mailjet bleiben.===English===
For downstream marketing campaigns, it would be very helpful…3 votes -
Ticketing support : send ticket updates by mail not only to the admin user but also to the user who created the ticket
We a normal user posts a Ticket and and receive and answer from Mailjet support team, only the the admin user is notified of the answer by email! The normal user should be notified too!
1 vote -
TSV File Uploads
Allow for TSV (Tab delimited) file uploads. Currently with CSV only the usage of apostrophe and comma within string fields corrupts the import process. Putting quotes around every field with apostrophe and commas in them is not a good solution. You already export in TSV formatting for Excel so it should be easily implemented to allow for TSV uploading.
1 vote -
Ajouter plusieurs segments à une liste
Bonjour, à la demande de Bozhidara Meleva je vous contactes aujourd'hui.
Ma requêté était de pouvoir rassembler dans un liste plusieurs segments si possible.
Voici le lien de ma liste :
https://app.mailjet.com/contacts/lists/show/gpaVoici le lien de mes segments:
https://app.mailjet.com/segmentation/edit/12256et normalement ce segment est déjà ajouté à ma liste :
https://app.mailjet.com/segmentation/edit/12257Merci par avance,
Raynaud Jean-Baptiste
07603194001 vote -
alert subaccounts of non-validated sender address. Not just the owner account.
Non-validated sender address alerts should also be sent to the people you have shared access with to the subaccount.
3 votes -
Increase List Size to 250MB or Allow for use of all contacts to create a semented list
For accounts with sub-accounts have a tab on the main account page to be able to see data/stats across all sub-accounts. Be able to see metrics (delivered, open/click rates, etc.) and be able to have a custom time/date range.
1 vote -
html editing on the drag & drop editor
Please make direct html editing on each blocks(or entire email) possible.
At least on the text block.
Like TinyMCE's code editor mode.
I often needs small tweak to make the email perfect.4 votes -
1 vote
Sorry, something went wrong.
"Sorry, something went wrong." is not helpful.
4 votes -
subscription LINK (not a widget) directly in the mail
Impossible to add a link to directly subscribe from the email. A widget is sometimes too much.
5 votes -
Segmentation when clicked on specific link
I would like to segment to people who have clicked on a specifik link in the newsletter.
3 votes -
Bug report
I'm logged in my private account with access to our Master Account (Vodeno) and I have opened a ticket in Support center. Wrong user is displayed as the author of the ticket - the user with Owner rights to our Master Account is displayed. It should be me as it is requested on my behalf.
1 vote -
Stats Listes d'Ouvertures
Bonjour, Vos statistiques sont très interessantes, mais j'ai juste un problème pour télécharger les stats de LISTES D'OUVERTURES au format csv.
Cela ne télécharge rien du tout en fait....
POuvez-vous m'expliquer pourquoi ? svp
Merci bcp
Rémy Le Liepvre
SORELL sarl1 vote -
pouvoir utiliser une balise <form> pour l'inscription à la newsletter.
Afin de faciliter une bonne intégration graphique du formulaire d'insciption, il serait préférable d'avoir la possibilité d'intégrer celui-ci dans une page en utilisant une simple balise <form>, bien plus simple et souple à utiliser qu'une iframe dont la mise en forme est très limitée.
In order to facilitate good graphical integration of the registration form, it would be preferable to have the possibility of integrating it into a page using a simple <form> tag, much simpler and more flexible to use than an iframe whose formatting is very limited.
1 vote -
Sortie d'un contact en cours de parcours
Bonjour, je trouverai important de rajouter dans les scenarios automatisés la possibilité de faire sortir un contact d'un parcours si une de ses propriétés vient à changer. Merci !
Hello, I find it important to add in the automated scenarios the possibility of removing a contact from a path if one of its properties changes. Thank you!
1 vote -
Properly handle headers encoding when the target MTA lacks SMTPUTF8 and the client app uses UTF8 when sending to mailjet
When enabling UTF8 support between the client app and mailjet SMTP API, the client library generally encodes SMTP headers like the Subject using UTF8 rather than quoted-printable + US-ASCII. So when using any UTF8-ready SMTP client library (in our case the SmtpClient from .NET 6), a Subject like "Caractères accentués" will be sent to mailjet as "Subject: Caractères accentués" when UTF8 is enabled (SmtpDeliveryFormat.International in .NET), and "Subject: =?UTF-8?Q?=Caract=C3=A8res_accentu=C3=A9s?=" when it is not (SmtpDeliveryFormat.SevenBit in .NET).
This is correct behavior from the client library, but there is an issue with mailjet when the recipient MTA does not support SMTPUTF8 itself:…
1 vote -
Control clicked link colour in email
It would be good to be able to control the colour of text if this is a link.
Currently, for any text that is clicked through to the link (on Outlook mainly) - it changes the colour of the text to a purple colour. This makes the text not visible on dark buttons and doesn't look great with certain colours.
2 votes -
Berechnetes Datum in E-Mail einfügen
Wir möchten in unseren Geburtstagsmailings einen Gutschein einfügen. Dieser soll ein Gültigkeitsdatum haben, so in der Art wie:
Dieser Gutschein ist gültig bis: [Versanddatum der E-Mail + 3 Monate]
Diese Funktion würde ich mir wünschen.We would like to include a voucher in our birthday mailings. This should have an expiration date, something like this:
This voucher is valid until: [sent date of the email + 3 months]
I would like this function.1 vote -
Notification on client when have any limitation issue
The mailjet system limit the send on all our subaccounts at the same time recently.
It seems a bug on mailjet systems, because the support team says there was no reason about the limitation.Aside the bug, it will be very very helpful if mailjet could sent a email notification to the client if there is any problem on any subaccount or api_key.
1 vote -
Table of Contents for Newsletters
The ability to create a table of contents with clickable anchor links for a newsletter
3 votes
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