786 results found
I am from India. I am unable to do online automatic reoccurring payments due to our newly introduced central reserve bank guidelines. Kindly provide a direct link for payment till the mean time.
1 vote -
joindre l'assistance!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Bonjour, vous me relancer pour le paiement de mes factures mais la carte bancaire renseignée sur mon compte est correcte.De plus impossible de vous contacter autrement que par ce moyen donc difficile de solder le problème.
Merci de revenir vers moi pour me dire svp.
MrRichaudHello, you remind me for the payment of my bills but the credit card entered on my account is correct. Moreover, it is impossible to contact you other than by this means, so it is difficult to resolve the problem.
Please get back to me and tell me please.
MrRichaud1 vote -
Delete a subaccount
I cannot find a way to delete a sub-account and wanted to know if this is a feature you will add soon?
24 votes -
TSV file uploads
Allow for TSV file uploads. You already export lists in TSV format and using TSV allows for the use of commas within data with no chance of creating bad records.
1 vote -
I would like to have the ability to minimize the pixels between columns and texts to 0. currently, even if you define the padding on 0, there is still a gap. Is this possible?
1 vote -
Font addition
Hello, I can not add certain fonts to your platform, for instance Roboto-Thin. Is that something that can be worked out?
1 vote -
Use reCAPTCHA v3 to connect instead of intrusive v2
Please use the reCAPTCHA v3 which is much less intrusive for users . I connect several times a day, every day, and it's really unpleasant to have to indicate where are the crosswalks, bikes, cars and so on... and yet this feature has been implemented only a few days ago if I'm not mistaken!
Thank you and have a nice day.
41 votesHi all,
We're planning on making reCAPTCHA less intrusive in Q1 of 2022.
Versandbegrenzungen ohne Kontaktaufnahme - ein NO GO
Ohne Benachrichtigung wurde eine temporäre Versandbegrenzung verhängt.
Wir erhalten dutzende Kundenbeschwerden.
Shipping limits without contact - a NO GO
A temporary shipping limit has been imposed without notification.We receive dozens of customer complaints.
1 vote -
Direct integration with Salesforce
Direct integration with Salesforce, without the need of using a mediating service like Zapier, for data security and privacy reasons. Zapier is a US-based company.
1 vote -
Sort Saved Sections
An option to sort saved sections with a filter
last changed, A-Z, etc.3 votes -
Variable Link ?
No place anywhere explains how to add variable as the link in either a link <a> or your button component. Not article anywhere, no doc anywhere
2 votes -
Ajout style de titres - Add title style
Pourrai-t-on avoir possibilité de créer plus de 3 styles de titre différents ? Merci
Could we be able to create more than 3 different title styles? Thank you
1 vote -
a system to filter out automated click events
Had a problem with statistics with multiple cases of 10+ individuals from the same company clicking on all of the links. In some cases 10+ links, which is obviously not accurate analytics, and i have no idea who is actually reacting to campaigns.
It was explained in writing by support as
"I spoke to someone about this and apparently some security software will automatically open the links in a message to check for viruses. It seems like this is what's causing those click events. I hadn't run into that before so it doesn't seem to be common. This shouldn't cause…5 votes -
Add de-block button on blocked email addresses
Add de-block button on blocked email addresses
11 votes -
Friendly "View email" link post sending campaign
After sending a campaign you can get a preview link of the email sent. We use that share with people who weren't on the mailing list but want to see the content. But the url is pretty ugly and some people come back and say it looks dodgy. eg:
http://x2qq4.mjt.lu/nl2/x2qq4/57y25.html?hl=enCould you give us a "prettier" url with a more legitimate looking domain name and then use the subject or campaign name to make it more friendly. This is an example of one we had with Mailchimp:
3 votes -
New invoice format
Édites des factures conformes sur une seule feuille au lieu de trois, et en français s'il vous plaît…
New invoice format
Said compliant invoices on one sheet instead of three, and in French please...4 votes -
Déplacer le champs "Texte de prévisualisation" -- Move the "Preview text" field
Je pense qu'il serait judicieux de déplacer le champs "Texte de prévisualisation" juste en dessous de l'objet du mail. En effet il m'est arrivé plusieurs fois de ne pas modifier ce champs après avoir copié une ancienne campagne vu qu'il est dans un sous-menu non visibleMove the "Preview text" field
I think it would be wise to move the "Preview text" field just below the subject of the email. Indeed it happened to me several times not to modify this field after having copied an old campaign because it is in a sub-menu not visible2 votes -
Add option lo lock saved sections
It would be great to be able to lock "saved sections", so that editors can drag a saved section and then only edit text and images. In other words: make the "locking" icon also present for linked sections.
4 votes -
Function to see which e-mail client is used to open the send e-mail.
It would be great to see how much people of my email-list have opened their mail using Outlook or another email client.
5 votes -
Add the ability to create a link that can be given out for newsletter signups.
Add the ability to create a link that can be given out for newsletter signups.
1 vote
- Don't see your idea?