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  1. Hello,
    We use a template system and send variables from a Java backend. To make it dynamic, we retrieve the template and analyze the detailcontent: Text-part to extract the variables, and then send them. An improvement would be to directly retrieve the variables.
    What I would like is to be able to retrieve the variables used inside a template email, for instance when using the java mailjet client, I would like a new enum called Variables and do somethind like that:

    public class TemplateDetailcontent {

    public static Resource resource = new Resource("template", "detailcontent", ApiVersion.V3, ApiAuthenticationType.Basic);
    public static String TEXTPART =
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  2. Feature request : Possibility to set a larger email size limit for all or some subaccounts. Minimum 30 MB.

    Background: Today, the maximum email size is 15 MB for the Mailjet service. This can be an issue for business critical services that uses the service to send for example scanned invoices to customers. A PDF containing images from a scanner can often be larger that the 15 MB limit.

    I understand that email is not the right medium to send large files, but the 15 MB limit can be a dealbreaker for some customers.

    Competitors like Sendgrid have a 30…

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  3. 1 vote

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  4. Just some feedback as we're setting up subscription forms with the new form builder: I encounter some unexpected behaviour I would hope to be fixed someday:

    1. language-setting English → German does not persist. After Save everything back to English
    2. wouldn't be so bad if redirect to success page would work, instead, I get english message “Thanks for signing up“ (see screenshot)
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  5. Possibilité de personnaliser la couleur d'une liste à puces.

    Possibility to customize the color of a bulleted list.

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  6. Pour exploiter les rapports que l'on télécharge en .csv depuis l'onglet stats, nous devons les convertir en .xls.
    Or, certains dépassent le nombre de lignes maximum d'Excel (1 048 576 lignes), et nous ne pouvons pas accéder à l'ensemble des datas. Serait-il possible de scinder le fichier .csv en plusieurs fichiers de 1 048 576 lignes maximum, ou nous laisser la possibilité de faire plusieurs téléchargements qui nous permettraient d'exploiter l'ensemble des datas?

    To use the reports that we download in .csv from the stats tab, we have to convert them into .xls.
    However, some of them exceed the…

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  7. For whatever reason, the Account time zones has no GMT +2 times for Europe. There are several EET countries: Bulgaria, Cyprus, Estonia, Finland, Greece, Latvia, Moldova, Ukraine, Romania and Lithuania.

    Feels very weird to be sending messages from Helsinki, Finland, and selecting the current time zone of Beirut, Gaza, Cairo, Jerusalem, Syria or Harare.

    Typically time zones come in a standard list, which lists Helsinki-- but the one now in use is some non-standard list. There might be some other anomalies as well, so might be worth just using some other standard list.

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  8. Laut ihrem Support unterstützt Mailjet die Joomla-Version 4 nicht.
    Hier wird man offensichtlich recht alleingelassen, da es keinerlei Information auf ein Update oder sonstige Möglichkeiten gibt

    Hubert Beck


    Update to Joomla 4
    According to their support Mailjet does not support Joomla version 4.
    Here you are obviously left alone, because there is no information about an update or other possibilities.

    Hubert Beck

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  9. Once you fill in your email and submit the form, you can't go back to the form.
    At the moment there is a bug, if you fill a wrong format address, the message “this address is already in use, you can subscribe with another.” but you cannot go back...

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  10. To simplify ETL processed we need just recently added and updated contacts and contactdata. Current API endpoint is not offering filter for this.

    Comparable with bouncestatistics: FromTS and ToTs query parameters.

    Now we need to refresh data daily and the amount of data being moved is kind of huge.

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  11. Dear Mailjet-Team,

    It would be great if in the future it were possible to add a second check box when creating the form design in the form builder. I would like to have one to say that the person agrees to subscribe to the newsletter and a second one where the person can accept all data protection regulations.

    If you could consider adding that feature in the future, that would be really helpful.

    Thanks a lot!

    Best regards,

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  12. When including larger amounts of text (like API/SMTP calls, logs, explanations, etc), having such a small visible text area can make it difficult to make sure that all info is included.

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  13. Ability to request an Increase of shared user limitation from 999 to x number.
    User case: A user can have more than 999 accesses across several Master accounts.

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  14. Je découvre, avec stupeur, que vos services ne propose pas de notifier l'expéditeur d'un mail qui transite pas votre plateforme si le mail n'est pas délivré. Cela laisse l'expéditeur dans le doute permanent. C'est difficile à expliquer à nos clients. Merci de nous contacter pour trouver une solution

    Better inform the sender about the delivery of the message.
    I discover, with amazement, that your services do not propose to notify the sender of an email that transits through your platform if the email is not delivered. This leaves the sender in permanent doubt. This is difficult to explain to…

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  15. Marketing templates can already be duplicated (exported) as automation/transactional templates. This should also be possible for double opt-in templates, so we don't have to start over.

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  16. Changing the font family or font size in the paragraph style has no effect, only global font family seems to work.

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  17. In regard to Apple Privacy Policy matter, is there any news about how Mailjet would address this challenge?. I've noticed how other email marketing tools are upgrading their events webhook with extra information, so it can be possible to identify suspicious openings triggered by Apple MPP activity.
    it is a big concern for our business in terms of the quality and accuracy of the MailJet webhook events analysis.

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  18. Bonjour, de gros problèmes à l'inscription sur vos nouveaux formulaires qui remplacent l'inscription. Le bug est qu'il est souvent impossible de s'inscrire pour les utilisateurs. De plus la mise en forme des champs du formulaire (alignement à gauche par exemple) ne fonctionne pas !

    Big bug : to improve
    Hello, big problems with the registration on your new forms that replace the registration. The bug is that it is often impossible for users to register. Moreover the formatting of the fields of the form (alignment on the left for example) does not work!

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  19. Es gibt externe Widgets, welche Newsletteradressen sammeln. Diese lösen eine OPT-In E-Mail von Mailjet aus, und wird dieser OptIn bestätigt, erfolgt direkt die Anmeldung der Adresse.

    Auch wenn über das nicht-Mailjet-eigene Formular Adressen gesammelt werden, müssen natürlich die Einwilligungssdaten protokolliert und bereitstellt werden. Das findet ja komplett bei euch statt. Dies ist aber nicht der Fall. Bitte asap fixen, danke!

    Click IP / UserAgent also via API.
    There are external widgets which collect newsletter addresses. These trigger an OPT-In email from Mailjet, and if this OptIn is confirmed, the subscription of the address takes place directly.

    Even if addresses…

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  20. In the Mailjet GUI it would be very useful to specify which domains a subaccount are allowed to send to. When developers are using test-systems, we need this functionality to minimize the risk that we send test-mail to "production customers".

    = subaccount are only allowed to send mail to allowed domains.

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