781 results found
SSO Enforcement
Enforcement of SSO
Similar with Mailgun, please have a feature where we can enforce SSO to the users and have an option to set for users to login with the traditional username and password for breakglass purposes.
1 vote -
Ajouter l'ID du template dans les exports statistiques
Serait il possible d'ajouter dans les statistiques l'ID du template email utilisé pour l'envoi ? Nous cherchons en effet à faire des stats d'ouverture et de clics selon nos templates et les exports actuels ne proposent que l'objet de l'email. Or nous avons plusieurs templates avec le même objet.
Add template ID to statistics exports
Would it be possible to add the ID of the email template used for sending to the statistics? We're looking for opening and click stats according to our templates, and the current exports only show the email subject. We have several templates with…3 votes -
get rid of popups
Get rid of popup notifications. They are a hassle and unwanted.
2 votes -
Improve sign-in on feedback system.
It was very difficult to sign in to your feedback site. I had to use the "forgot password" to "reset" my password. But I never had a password for the site, and had not forgotten my password.
Apparently, the feedback site is its own site requiring one to create an account separately from your Mailjet account. That was not clear anywhere. If the feedback site said "you must create an account separate from your Mailjet account to access this site" then that would not be ideal, but would have prevented hours and days of frustration.
The "Give Feedback" link from…
4 votes -
Filter for Bounces
Would be good to be able to view a list of recipients for example, that have had a bounced say 10 times or more or to be able to filter criteria. Would also be very useful to have more info on the error logs. You tell us to remove bounces but we need more info to make that call.2 votes -
API secret Key - can be viewed without resetting
It is a nightmare to be forced to reset api secret key every time we want to view it. It prompts us to stock the key on a excel sheet to be able to add it on new services ( since we cannot have multiple keys on a sub account for the moment). Why dont you allow to see the secret key after a double authentification for instance ? This would be totally safe and we wouldn't have ti reset it every time and change all ours services.
2 votes -
Get mailjet status via an API
It would be great to access mailjet status (https://status.mailjet.com/#) via an API.
Thank you
1 vote -
Wordpress plugin delete users as well as add
Mailjet plugin for WordPress. When a user is deleted from WordPress can the plugin also delete them from the Mailjet contact list. Currently the syncing of existing and new WordPress users makes the semi useless. You already provide an API call to delete people from a Mailjet contact list, why can you not add a hook into WordPress so when a user is deleted it calls the API to delete the Mailjet contact. Thanks
1 vote -
Make adding new contacts MUCH easier please.
Hey there. New user. Genuinely like the service. I think that adding emails to the list is just wayyyyy to cumbersome and laborious. I met a few people at an event last night. They really wanted to be added to the list for future shows. I wished I could have just entered them in my phone and be done. Instead I have to write down their emails and then come to my desk, sign in (which is also very slow with the image ID thing) get to my lists, select the cog widget, and THEN go through 4 steps to…
4 votes -
Mandat administratif
Etant une collectivité, nous avons besoin du paiement par mandat administratif pour continuer à utiliser cet outil.
As a local authority, we require payment by administrative mandate to continue using this tool.1 vote -
Remove the Google Recaptcha, when user also have 2FA enabled.
It takes tooooo long to tick off all the right images. Many times I will have to do 4-5 rounds of images. No good!! 2FA should be more than enough.
16 votes -
Renvoi depuis l'interface de mail transactionnel
Pouvoir renvoyer un mail transactionnel depuis les stats de messages envoyés
Resend from the transactional mail interface
Ability to resend transactional mail from sent message stats1 vote -
Déblocage des adresses "Preblocked"
Pouvoir débloquer des adresses qui sont en "Preblocked" sans avoir à passer par une demande de support
Unblocking "Preblocked" addresses
Unblock addresses that are "Preblocked" without having to go through a support request.2 votes -
Inscription directe à une liste
Sur l'éditeur de formulaires, la possibilité d'inscription directe à une liste est proposée, mais n'est pas fonctionnelle. Il faut activer cette fonctionnalité ou bien la retirer, ça évite au client, comme moi, de perdre du temps à créer un ticket pour demander ce qui ne va pas.
Direct list subscription
In the form editor, the option to subscribe directly to a list is available, but is not functional. This feature should be enabled or disabled, so that customers like me don't have to waste time creating a ticket to ask what's wrong.1 vote -
send splited to open-time rate of my users
have the option for send any campaign = "send by open time of my users". If this splits the sending by the same rate % like the statitics of open time of all my users of the last 6 month, last 12 month, last 60 days.. and so on would be rather userfull
2 votes -
open-time statistics for some period
statistics about open time average for a selected time/date period would be very usefull. Example: to know that in a average for the last 6 month that 52% of my useres open the newsletters between 7:00 and 10:00 and a other 38 % between 6:00 pm and 9:00 pm would be realy userfull
1 vote -
Customizable Account Management Setup for Account Sharing
The Master account should be able to limit the access of shared accounts. Add a check box for "Rest API" and App Connections
1 vote -
Better guide the SMTP only by a remark in the SMTP only block. "Use API keys for SMTP User / SMTP Password"
My misunderstanding was due to the lack of SMTP User / SMTP Password mentions
until I guessed to take the APY keys for thatA suggestion : put a remark in the SMTP only block. "Use APY keys for SMTP User / SMTP Password"
Also, I was confused because the read-only fields of the SMTP only block appeared so grayed that I took them as placeholders (I use the dark mode)1 vote -
header des mails non validés pour debuguer la provenance
Lorsque un mail est envoyé avec une clé API de notre compte sans être validée, pouvoir avoir le header du mail en question pour pouvoir debuguer d'ou provient cet email.
Merci1 vote -
2FA on sub-accounts
I have a sub-account and would like to be able to enable 2FA.
A sub-account has access to PII in the same way as a primary account, and it would be good to be able to afford it the same level of protection against compromise.
3 votes
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