781 results found
Better guide the SMTP only by a remark in the SMTP only block. "Use API keys for SMTP User / SMTP Password"
My misunderstanding was due to the lack of SMTP User / SMTP Password mentions
until I guessed to take the APY keys for thatA suggestion : put a remark in the SMTP only block. "Use APY keys for SMTP User / SMTP Password"
Also, I was confused because the read-only fields of the SMTP only block appeared so grayed that I took them as placeholders (I use the dark mode)1 vote -
header des mails non validés pour debuguer la provenance
Lorsque un mail est envoyé avec une clé API de notre compte sans être validée, pouvoir avoir le header du mail en question pour pouvoir debuguer d'ou provient cet email.
Merci1 vote -
Min Length of name field
Name fields don't have min length. So even if the field is required it can be bypassed by just entering a space or a bunch of spaces. Basically defeating the point of being a required field
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Error handling
You show the message "Your sending activity is currently suspended. "
And in the help you name the reasons (• Recent Sending Statistics
• Spam Reports
• Abuse Complaint
• General Compliance Risk
• New accounts
• Account on Test Mode
) why it could be suspendet. Please show directly the one that causes the problem.1 vote -
Donner accès un module Drupal pleinement fonctionnel pour Drupal 9 et pour Drupal 10
La page des intégration CMS (https://app.mailjet.com/account/app_connections/cms) cite Drupal avec :
- un lien non fonctionnel vers de la doc https://www.mailjet.com/guides/drupal-8-user-guide/
- un lien vers la page du module sur le site de Drupal https://www.drupal.org/project/mailjet et où la dernière version recommandée est une 3.0.0-alpha
- un lien vers du code d'autres versions (les 8.x-2.N) https://github.com/mailjet/drupal8-mailjet-module-apiv3 dont la dernière, assez récente n'est pas reversée dans le site de DrupalNotre équipe a test la 3 alpha mais cette version est loin d'être fonctionnelle.
Il faudrait donc
- clarifier la version à utiliser
- mettre à jour cette version pour qu'elle…1 vote -
bug page de contact
il y a un bug depuis longtemps sur la gestion des contacts : quand on supprime un contact d'une liste de contact, il s'affiche un messge d'alerte ROUGE sur la page du navigateur, et ensuite la recherche par nom dans le champ de recherche ne fonctionne plus.
contact page bug
there's been a bug in contact management for a long time: when you delete a contact from a contact list, a RED alert message appears on the browser page, and then searching by name in the search field no longer works1 vote -
Currency option
The billing currency is decided upon account creation, after it's set it is unable to be altered. It might be a good idea to let the Mailjet customers have the option of at least two currencies, US$ and Euros, so that they can opt for one or another even after the account is set up, without having to delete an account and re-create one. Thanks!
1 vote -
Make template preview editor works with complex template/html block
The preview tool could be very nice to test without using api etc. But I think when we need it the most : with really complex logic in html block, it is sad it is not working at all.
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Payment per campaign
Your pricing plan does not fit my business or my customers. I am interested, and able, to use your service. But I prefer to pay per campaign since that is how my customers reimburse me
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Recaptcha pour le module d'inscription Joomla
Auriez-vous la possibilité d'ajouter un système recaptcha sur le module "joomla" d'inscription à mailjet pour éviter des spams ?
Merci,Recaptcha for Joomla registration module
Would it be possible to add a recaptcha system to the mailjet "joomla" registration module to prevent spam?
Thank you,1 vote -
sendMail shall raise an error if template variables are missing
we realized that the sendMail API has a problem. For instance if you are using a template that has 5 variables and your sendMail call includes just 4 values. Then sendMail yields SUCCESS but the mail will be listed as BLOCKED due to an error in the template later on (can be seen in the Mailjet stats). It would be cool if the sendMail function would return an error directly!
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make it possible to easily use a marketing email template as an automation template and vice versa
I had a hard time finding a solution how to get a template I created for a marketing campaign into one of my automation workflows.
I was unable to find the correct article in the help file (https://documentation.mailjet.com/hc/en-us/articles/360042953273-Template-Management#:~:text=Use%20HTML%C2%A0%E2%80%93%20For,made%20by%20anyone.) because I was searching for "how can I use campaign template for automations" as well as "changing templates" and "reusing templates" without result. I then saw the option to export is, but it wasn't mentioned that for the purpose I intended ONLY the MLJM export would work, not the HTML one. I didn't know what either one was, so I…1 vote -
Custom Track Host - Text In Yellow Box Should be Clearer
I would like the text in the yellow block when setting a custom track-host be more clear. Currently it is all one block, but bullet points to point out the different CNAMES needed for HTTPS and HTTP would be great. Similar to the below:
To customize your track hostname, first you need to create a CNAME. In most environments, NAMEs are easy to create. Use a subdomain or host of your choosing (keep it short, ie: go, redir or r):
• User.mailiet.com. for HTTP links
• Uset.mailiet.com. for HTTPS links
The final dot may not be required by all DNS…1 vote -
Warning popup in case of contact list still in use
The idea is when I want to delete a contact list which is still in use (for example linked to a scheduled campaing), the system has to warn me that this contact list is still in use, and it has to ask me if I am sure to want to delete it. Otherwise we will delete the contact list and the campaign will be put in Queued without informing us.
We had the case by deleting by error some contact lists and we have then see that some campaigns were not sent :-(.1 vote -
Bug in translations
Translation issue, I'm using the dashboard in dutch, but on a lot of paces where hte Year should be displayed I see a %J
Als i see a time af ter it like "35:55" I don't know where you live, but here we have max 24 hours in a day ;)
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Do a good manager system
Your system is really really bad, I'm really worried about to how you deal with personal information.
Just create a ticket is a nightmare
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Avoid adding recipients to Contacts when using Mailjet as SMTP
When using Mailjet as SMTP I would like to avoid adding every recipient to Contacts.
Since Mailjet is used as SMTP (and contacts are stored externally) - there is no need to keep every recipient in the Mailjet contacts.
Adding every recipient into contacts without need creates an additional security risk.
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Intégration Divi
Bonjour l'équipe Mailjet,
A quand une intégration dans Divi ? Il semblerait que ce soit réclamé depuis un moment déjà, ce serait cool d'y penser. Plus simple et plus facile à gérer visuellement.
Merci et belle journée !
Divi Integration
Hello Mailjet team,When will we see an integration in Divi? It seems that this has been requested for a while now, it would be cool to think about it. Simpler and easier to manage visually.
Thanks and have a nice day!
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Send myself notifications with workflows
I want to send myself an reminder e-mail 14 days before a clients birthday is. This would be a very handy feature in many cases.
So i don't want the client to get an e-mail, just myself.
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Better subscription form control
I created a subscription form at mailjet and embedded it on my website where I will collect basic subscription info: email, firstname, lastname. After submitting the form, a very large check mark appears, indicating that the user is finished. But below, a rather invisible message is displayed about checking the user's inbox for the confirmation email. I found the obfuscated place where the text of the message could be changed, but could not prevent the big checkmark from being displayed. Nor could I add color or emphasis to the message text to let the user know they had a further…
1 vote
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