786 results found
Restriction par IP
Compte tenu de la menace cybersécurité qui s'amplifie, je pense qu'il est judicieux d'implémenter une limitation par IP par compte/sous-compte.ENGLISH
IP restriction
Given the growing cybersecurity threat, I think it's a good idea to implement an IP restriction per account/sub-account.1 vote -
Liker une section
Pouvoir insérer en fin de section un pouce vers le haut et vers le bas pour permettre au lecteur de liker, ou pas.
Et obtenir des statistiques sur ces clics.ENGLISH
Liking a section
Insert a thumbs-up or thumbs-down at the end of a section to allow readers to click or not.
And get statistics on these clicks.1 vote -
Suchen nach Nachname
Mein Kunde möchte im Abschnitt "Alle Kontakte" suchen, aber eben nicht nur nach (Teilen von) der E-Mail-Adresse, sondern auch nach Vor- und/oder Nachnamen.
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SSO Enforcement
Enforcement of SSO
Similar with Mailgun, please have a feature where we can enforce SSO to the users and have an option to set for users to login with the traditional username and password for breakglass purposes.
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Get mailjet status via an API
It would be great to access mailjet status (https://status.mailjet.com/#) via an API.
Thank you
1 vote -
Wordpress plugin delete users as well as add
Mailjet plugin for WordPress. When a user is deleted from WordPress can the plugin also delete them from the Mailjet contact list. Currently the syncing of existing and new WordPress users makes the semi useless. You already provide an API call to delete people from a Mailjet contact list, why can you not add a hook into WordPress so when a user is deleted it calls the API to delete the Mailjet contact. Thanks
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Mandat administratif
Etant une collectivité, nous avons besoin du paiement par mandat administratif pour continuer à utiliser cet outil.
As a local authority, we require payment by administrative mandate to continue using this tool.1 vote -
Renvoi depuis l'interface de mail transactionnel
Pouvoir renvoyer un mail transactionnel depuis les stats de messages envoyés
Resend from the transactional mail interface
Ability to resend transactional mail from sent message stats1 vote -
Inscription directe à une liste
Sur l'éditeur de formulaires, la possibilité d'inscription directe à une liste est proposée, mais n'est pas fonctionnelle. Il faut activer cette fonctionnalité ou bien la retirer, ça évite au client, comme moi, de perdre du temps à créer un ticket pour demander ce qui ne va pas.
Direct list subscription
In the form editor, the option to subscribe directly to a list is available, but is not functional. This feature should be enabled or disabled, so that customers like me don't have to waste time creating a ticket to ask what's wrong.1 vote -
open-time statistics for some period
statistics about open time average for a selected time/date period would be very usefull. Example: to know that in a average for the last 6 month that 52% of my useres open the newsletters between 7:00 and 10:00 and a other 38 % between 6:00 pm and 9:00 pm would be realy userfull
1 vote -
Customizable Account Management Setup for Account Sharing
The Master account should be able to limit the access of shared accounts. Add a check box for "Rest API" and App Connections
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Better guide the SMTP only by a remark in the SMTP only block. "Use API keys for SMTP User / SMTP Password"
My misunderstanding was due to the lack of SMTP User / SMTP Password mentions
until I guessed to take the APY keys for thatA suggestion : put a remark in the SMTP only block. "Use APY keys for SMTP User / SMTP Password"
Also, I was confused because the read-only fields of the SMTP only block appeared so grayed that I took them as placeholders (I use the dark mode)1 vote -
header des mails non validés pour debuguer la provenance
Lorsque un mail est envoyé avec une clé API de notre compte sans être validée, pouvoir avoir le header du mail en question pour pouvoir debuguer d'ou provient cet email.
Merci1 vote -
Min Length of name field
Name fields don't have min length. So even if the field is required it can be bypassed by just entering a space or a bunch of spaces. Basically defeating the point of being a required field
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Error handling
You show the message "Your sending activity is currently suspended. "
And in the help you name the reasons (• Recent Sending Statistics
• Spam Reports
• Abuse Complaint
• General Compliance Risk
• New accounts
• Account on Test Mode
) why it could be suspendet. Please show directly the one that causes the problem.1 vote -
Donner accès un module Drupal pleinement fonctionnel pour Drupal 9 et pour Drupal 10
La page des intégration CMS (https://app.mailjet.com/account/app_connections/cms) cite Drupal avec :
- un lien non fonctionnel vers de la doc https://www.mailjet.com/guides/drupal-8-user-guide/
- un lien vers la page du module sur le site de Drupal https://www.drupal.org/project/mailjet et où la dernière version recommandée est une 3.0.0-alpha
- un lien vers du code d'autres versions (les 8.x-2.N) https://github.com/mailjet/drupal8-mailjet-module-apiv3 dont la dernière, assez récente n'est pas reversée dans le site de DrupalNotre équipe a test la 3 alpha mais cette version est loin d'être fonctionnelle.
Il faudrait donc
- clarifier la version à utiliser
- mettre à jour cette version pour qu'elle…1 vote -
bug page de contact
il y a un bug depuis longtemps sur la gestion des contacts : quand on supprime un contact d'une liste de contact, il s'affiche un messge d'alerte ROUGE sur la page du navigateur, et ensuite la recherche par nom dans le champ de recherche ne fonctionne plus.
contact page bug
there's been a bug in contact management for a long time: when you delete a contact from a contact list, a RED alert message appears on the browser page, and then searching by name in the search field no longer works1 vote -
Currency option
The billing currency is decided upon account creation, after it's set it is unable to be altered. It might be a good idea to let the Mailjet customers have the option of at least two currencies, US$ and Euros, so that they can opt for one or another even after the account is set up, without having to delete an account and re-create one. Thanks!
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Make template preview editor works with complex template/html block
The preview tool could be very nice to test without using api etc. But I think when we need it the most : with really complex logic in html block, it is sad it is not working at all.
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Payment per campaign
Your pricing plan does not fit my business or my customers. I am interested, and able, to use your service. But I prefer to pay per campaign since that is how my customers reimburse me
1 vote
- Don't see your idea?