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    I'm logged in my private account with access to our Master Account (Vodeno) and I have opened a ticket in Support center. Wrong user is displayed as the author of the ticket - the user with Owner rights to our Master Account is displayed. It should be me as it is requested on my behalf.

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  2. Bonjour, Vos statistiques sont très interessantes, mais j'ai juste un problème pour télécharger les stats de LISTES D'OUVERTURES au format csv.
    Cela ne télécharge rien du tout en fait....
    POuvez-vous m'expliquer pourquoi ? svp
    Merci bcp
    Rémy Le Liepvre
    SORELL sarl

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  3. Afin de faciliter une bonne intégration graphique du formulaire d'insciption, il serait préférable d'avoir la possibilité d'intégrer celui-ci dans une page en utilisant une simple balise <form>, bien plus simple et souple à utiliser qu'une iframe dont la mise en forme est très limitée.

    In order to facilitate good graphical integration of the registration form, it would be preferable to have the possibility of integrating it into a page using a simple <form> tag, much simpler and more flexible to use than an iframe whose formatting is very limited.

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  4. Bonjour, je trouverai important de rajouter dans les scenarios automatisés la possibilité de faire sortir un contact d'un parcours si une de ses propriétés vient à changer. Merci !

    Hello, I find it important to add in the automated scenarios the possibility of removing a contact from a path if one of its properties changes. Thank you!

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  5. When enabling UTF8 support between the client app and mailjet SMTP API, the client library generally encodes SMTP headers like the Subject using UTF8 rather than quoted-printable + US-ASCII. So when using any UTF8-ready SMTP client library (in our case the SmtpClient from .NET 6), a Subject like "Caractères accentués" will be sent to mailjet as "Subject: Caractères accentués" when UTF8 is enabled (SmtpDeliveryFormat.International in .NET), and "Subject: =?UTF-8?Q?=Caract=C3=A8res_accentu=C3=A9s?=" when it is not (SmtpDeliveryFormat.SevenBit in .NET).

    This is correct behavior from the client library, but there is an issue with mailjet when the recipient MTA does not support SMTPUTF8 itself:…

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  6. Wir möchten in unseren Geburtstagsmailings einen Gutschein einfügen. Dieser soll ein Gültigkeitsdatum haben, so in der Art wie:
    Dieser Gutschein ist gültig bis: [Versanddatum der E-Mail + 3 Monate]
    Diese Funktion würde ich mir wünschen.

    We would like to include a voucher in our birthday mailings. This should have an expiration date, something like this:
    This voucher is valid until: [sent date of the email + 3 months]
    I would like this function.

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  7. The mailjet system limit the send on all our subaccounts at the same time recently.
    It seems a bug on mailjet systems, because the support team says there was no reason about the limitation.

    Aside the bug, it will be very very helpful if mailjet could sent a email notification to the client if there is any problem on any subaccount or api_key.

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  8. Dans les modèles marketing et dans les conditions d'affichage, pouvoir mettre une valeur vide dans la condition
    Seulement si "x" opérateur ""

    Possibility to have an empty value in the display condition
    In marketing templates and display conditions, being able to put an empty value in the condition
    Only if "x" operator ""
    Example: If my x field is empty then I display a different block
    Exemple : Si mon champ x est vide alors j'affiche un bloc différent

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  9. Bonjour, A chaque fois qu'on essaye de programmer une campagne un jour J, elle s'enregistre systématiquement pour un envoie à J+1. C'est extrêmement pénible, il faut alors la déprogrammer pour la reprogrammer le bon jour. C'est systématique et c'est une vrai perte de temps. Il faudrait régler le problème. Bonne journée.

    Hello, Each time we try to schedule a campaign on D-day, it systematically registers for sending on D+1. It's extremely painful, so you have to deprogram it to reprogram it on the right day. It's systematic and it's a real waste of time. The problem should be solved. Good…

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  10. Bonjour, nous aurions grand besoins des modification à apporter aux plugin Prestashop pour qu'il soit compatible avec les versions supérieures ) 1.7.5.

    Hello, we would have great need of modifications to be made to the Prestashop plugin so that it is compatible with the higher versions) 1.7.5.
    Thank you

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  11. I really need to be able to see how many (and which) of my mailing lists is an email address subscribed to. To do it, I need to click on each subscriber one by one. I prefer to have this list on a comprehensive level, i.e. on all the whole list of subscribers and in one (1) view. Not by clicking on one by one the subscribers. I really wish to see this filtering feature.

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  12. depuis quelques mois, de nombreuses personnes nous indiquent recevoir les messages en provenance de Mailjet dans les courriers indesirables.
    Avez-vous d'autres retours sur ce sujet?
    Nous perdons largement en efficacité pour notre communication.
    merci de votre aide.
    Franck le blevec

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  13. When you share the URL of a campaign on social media it just pulls in the first image of the email.

    It would be extremely useful if you could add a social share image within the email editor so that we can customise how the link looks when shared on social media.

    I presume using the OG:IMAGE tag in the html header.


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  14. Statistiques/Graphiques : pouvoir basculer entre mode Quantité versus Taux. Conserver les graphiques en mode quantités d'évènements (nombres de sent, delivered, opens, etc...) mais pouvoir basculer le même graphique graphique en mode "taux" (taux d'ouverture, taux de plaintes, etc...).

    Statistics/Charts: be able to switch between Quantity versus Rate mode. Keep the graphs in event quantity mode (number of sent, delivered, opens, etc...) but be able to switch the same graphic graph to "rate" mode (opening rate, complaint rate, etc...) .

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  15. I am from India. I am unable to do online automatic reoccurring payments due to our newly introduced central reserve bank guidelines. Kindly provide a direct link for payment till the mean time.

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  16. Bonjour, vous me relancer pour le paiement de mes factures mais la carte bancaire renseignée sur mon compte est correcte.De plus impossible de vous contacter autrement que par ce moyen donc difficile de solder le problème.
    Merci de revenir vers moi pour me dire svp.

    Hello, you remind me for the payment of my bills but the credit card entered on my account is correct. Moreover, it is impossible to contact you other than by this means, so it is difficult to resolve the problem.
    Please get back to me and tell me please.

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  17. Allow for TSV file uploads. You already export lists in TSV format and using TSV allows for the use of commas within data with no chance of creating bad records.

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  18. I would like to have the ability to minimize the pixels between columns and texts to 0. currently, even if you define the padding on 0, there is still a gap. Is this possible?

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  19. Hello, I can not add certain fonts to your platform, for instance Roboto-Thin. Is that something that can be worked out?

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  20. Ohne Benachrichtigung wurde eine temporäre Versandbegrenzung verhängt.

    Wir erhalten dutzende Kundenbeschwerden.

    Shipping limits without contact - a NO GO
    A temporary shipping limit has been imposed without notification.

    We receive dozens of customer complaints.

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