786 results found
Full Account Stats - Executive Dashboard
Top level Account/Sub-Account page showing high level statistics for each sub account. Have the same data range selector capability to show today, 7 days, etc. but show the graphs and totals for each on the same page along with an aggregate section of the entire account. This is more inline with an executive dashboard, having to go through menus to see each sub-account individually and manually calculate aggregate numbers is time consuming and ridiculous.
2 votes -
Subscription Widget notification messages presentation improvements
The two things I need help with are related to the notification messages associated with the Subscription Widget.
First, it appears messages display vertically centered in the space represented by the subscription widget’s space on the screen. There's "too much vertical" so the message gets lost because of all the scrolling required. I'd like to see more control over the placement of the messages, or at least position the messages at the top of the iframe.
Next, line breaks are not being honored in the confirmation message. We want to use a custom message with a few lines but what…
1 vote -
Use email send time when considering account throttling, not spam report time
We've noticed that reports of spam are counted at the time of the report, not the time the email was sent. So if a recipient received multiple emails over the course of a month and then decided later to mark them all as spam, we see an immediate spike in the spam counts. This means that a single recipient could cause our account to be throttled. We'd like to see the time the original email was sent factored into the spam reporting so that our account is not limited based on an action that we have no way of fixing.
4 votes -
Plus de filtres et conditions aux segments - More filters and conditions to segments
Les conditions et filtres de l'option de segmentation des listes de contacts sont très incomplètes. Il faudrait rajouter des fonctions pour segmenter les listes selon d'autres listes ou selon d'autres campagnes. On peut "ne pas envoyer la campagne B aux gens ayant ouvert la campagne A" mais par contre impossible de "ne pas envoyer la campagne B aux gens ayant recu la campagne A" ce qui est ridicule. L'absence de cette option est si aberrante que j'en viens à me demander si ce n'est pas fait exprès de la part de mailjet pour nous forcer à atteindre plus rapidement notre…
2 votes -
Compte bloqué pour non paiement, alors qu'il est tout nouveau valide jusqu'en 2023
Nous venons de payer 1000 euros pour ouvrir un compte (déjà client pour 10 comptes), mailjet suspend notre compte, alors qu'il est réglé pour 1 an jusqu'en 2023 ! Mailjet bloque nos emails pourtant valides (SKF etc.), et maintenant notre compte. Cela devient très lourd.
2 votes -
API route for Return Path customization
Add ability to customize return-path via API to avoid to do it manually (same as domain validation).
4 votes -
Top 10 des liens cliqués
Bonjour, nous rencontrons depuis le mois de janvier 2022 un souci au niveau du tracking des top 10 des liens cliqués, on avait signalé un bug dans un ticket mais on nous demande de faire un contournement de l'API (cf. Capture d'écran en PJ), alors qu'on a payé pour un produit pour qu'il soit complet et qui est censé fonctionner correctement sans aucune intervention technique de notre côté. Ce module est assez crucial pour notre activité, afin de suivre et mesurer la performance de nos campagnes.
Hello, since January 2022 we have been encountering a problem with the tracking of…
1 vote -
Handle MailInBlack answer
Dans le cas où le destinataire a en place un logiciel du type MailInBlack, comment puis-je m'assurer de récupérer les emails de réponse MailInBlack afin de passer la validation ?
A priori des concurrents tels que Sarbacane sont capables de récupérer ces emails et les retourner au sender. Cela nous met régulièrement en difficulté pour l'obtention des contrats.
If the recipient has MailInBlack-type software in place, how can I be sure to retrieve the MailInBlack response emails in order to pass the validation?
Handle MailInBlack answer
If the recipient has MailInBlack-type software in place, how can I be sure to…3 votes -
Make Mailjet useful for Zapier
Hi mailjet team.
we are using Zapier to transfer new newsletter subscribers to a CRM (monday).
Unfortunately the API between mailjet an Zapier only can transfer the email-address, but not other fields / properties.
As you can understand it would make very sense also to transfer fields like name, gender and so on. Especially to a CRM.I would love to hear that this is something that is in development and soon to be ready. We really would like to avoid to move from mailjet to another system.
Thanks & regards,
Ben2 votes -
Ticketing support : send ticket updates by mail not only to the admin user but also to the user who created the ticket
We a normal user posts a Ticket and and receive and answer from Mailjet support team, only the the admin user is notified of the answer by email! The normal user should be notified too!
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Gérer une adresse d'expédition avec le nom
Nous envoyons des eMails pour le compte de nos clients pour gérer leurs Rendez vous.
L'adresse d'expédition est dans le format suivant : "NomduClient noreply@rdvcoiffure.fr"Nous voyons dans les Statistiques les envois par "noreply@rdvcoiffure.fr" mais pas "NomduClient".
Serait-il possible de récupérer ou d'effectuer une recherche sur cette information (Visualisation, Export, API…) ??
Merci par avance
Pour info, cette possibilité est offerte par SMTP2GO
We send eMails on behalf of our clients to manage their Appointments.
The shipping address is in the following format: "NomduClient noreply@rdvcoiffure.fr"We see in the Statistics the sendings by "noreply@rdvcoiffure.fr"…
3 votes -
TSV File Uploads
Allow for TSV (Tab delimited) file uploads. Currently with CSV only the usage of apostrophe and comma within string fields corrupts the import process. Putting quotes around every field with apostrophe and commas in them is not a good solution. You already export in TSV formatting for Excel so it should be easily implemented to allow for TSV uploading.
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Ajouter plusieurs segments à une liste
Bonjour, à la demande de Bozhidara Meleva je vous contactes aujourd'hui.
Ma requêté était de pouvoir rassembler dans un liste plusieurs segments si possible.
Voici le lien de ma liste :
https://app.mailjet.com/contacts/lists/show/gpaVoici le lien de mes segments:
https://app.mailjet.com/segmentation/edit/12256et normalement ce segment est déjà ajouté à ma liste :
https://app.mailjet.com/segmentation/edit/12257Merci par avance,
Raynaud Jean-Baptiste
07603194001 vote -
Access to All Contacts to Segment and Email
Need to be able to use segments against the entire contacts database at the account/sub-account level so that all contacts fitting the criteria can be emailed. Restriction of list size to 20MB and having to uplaod a list to be able to email to it when you have dynamic lists is very time consuming. Being able to access the mast contact list then applying segmentation to it does away with having to upload new lists.
3 votes -
Increase List Size to 250MB or Allow for use of all contacts to create a semented list
For accounts with sub-accounts have a tab on the main account page to be able to see data/stats across all sub-accounts. Be able to see metrics (delivered, open/click rates, etc.) and be able to have a custom time/date range.
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Issue with your example page
I like what you're offering. I plan to sign up. But your field prompts on your mail sign-up page infringe on a real company's mark. You offer an example address "@company.com" — yet company.com is a real domain owned by an unassociated real company.
I suggest you use what has been specifically reserved for such examples, namely the IANA-reserved example domain names. As described in RFC 2606 and RFC 6761, a number of domains such as example.com and example.org are maintained for documentation purposes. These domains may be used as illustrative examples in documents without prior coordination with IANA. They…
1 vote -
Bug report
I'm logged in my private account with access to our Master Account (Vodeno) and I have opened a ticket in Support center. Wrong user is displayed as the author of the ticket - the user with Owner rights to our Master Account is displayed. It should be me as it is requested on my behalf.
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Stats Listes d'Ouvertures
Bonjour, Vos statistiques sont très interessantes, mais j'ai juste un problème pour télécharger les stats de LISTES D'OUVERTURES au format csv.
Cela ne télécharge rien du tout en fait....
POuvez-vous m'expliquer pourquoi ? svp
Merci bcp
Rémy Le Liepvre
SORELL sarl1 vote -
pouvoir utiliser une balise <form> pour l'inscription à la newsletter.
Afin de faciliter une bonne intégration graphique du formulaire d'insciption, il serait préférable d'avoir la possibilité d'intégrer celui-ci dans une page en utilisant une simple balise <form>, bien plus simple et souple à utiliser qu'une iframe dont la mise en forme est très limitée.
In order to facilitate good graphical integration of the registration form, it would be preferable to have the possibility of integrating it into a page using a simple <form> tag, much simpler and more flexible to use than an iframe whose formatting is very limited.
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Download extra fields
Mailjet allows you to upload extra fields in records, but does not allow you to download this information. We need other fields such as donor number to be able to more easily identify the record on our database for updating. Please add an option to allow this.3 votes
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