781 results found
Label in Search Drop Down of Template Editor
Ability to get label drop down in template editor.
1 vote -
Template Label per Type
I want to use labels solely for a certain type of template. So that I got separated templates labels for saved sections , marketing , transactional templates.
0 votes -
Ajouter des nouveaux types de formulaires
Ajouter des nouveaux types de formulaires comme le proposent SendInBlue par exemple :
-formulaire à partager via un lien. C'est vraiment le top, on construit notre formulaire avec un éditeur visuel, cela génère un lien (hébergé chez vous directement) avec le formulaire et responsive design bien sûre.autre possibilité : générer un formulaire HTML (sans Iframe) car les iframes sont de plus en plus bloqués pour des raisons de sécurité. Cela permettrait de créer un formulaire via votre éditeur visuel PUIS de l'intégrer en HTML sur notre site.
Add new types of forms for example:
-form to share via a…1 vote -
Resize image with the mouse
Possibility to resize the images directly with the pointer on the visual editor OR with the height and width html atributes
2 votes -
Dynamic Segments for Automation Emails
Enhance Automation Workflow: we need dynamic segments based on user behavior.
Here is an example: we want to send a mailing to a contact list. Those users that clicked on links in the mailing should receive another mailing 7 days later (than the initial mailing, not the click date). User that DID NOT click on any links should NOT receive any further mailings.
9 votes -
Support for ipv6 only MTA's
Outgoing email should be deliverable over IPv4 and IPv6.
3 votes -
Protect the SMTP API with GEO or IP fensing
With this feature an API key will only allow requests from certain IP-addresses (ranges) of countries. This limits the risks when API keys are compromised.
9 votes -
Implement DANE for outgoing mail authentication.
DANE ensures that email is only deleverd over a secure path.
See: https://github.com/internetstandards/toolbox-wiki/blob/main/DANE-for-SMTP-how-to.md
3 votes -
Social media embed posts
PLEASE add social media blocks! It's such a massive help for our newsletters, creating a newsletter that supports the embed code for Twitter and other social media websites so we can display dynamic tweets/posts on our newsletters.
1 vote -
Listes à puces et numérotées - mise en forme
Je suis intéressé par pouvoir mettre en forme les listes numérotées et à puces (police, taille, couleur) afin que ce soit cohérent avec la mise en forme du texte.
Paramétrable, ou automatique
MerciBulleted and numbered lists - formatting
I'm interested in being able to format numbered and bulleted lists (font, size, color) so that it's consistent with text formatting.
Configurable, or automatic
Thank you4 votes -
Unsub handling needs to be improved
We are a company with multiple products per division. We need the ability to automate unsubs at product, division and company level. If someone unsubscribes from one campaign I need to ensure they are automatically excluded from that campaign. I would also want the ability for that unsub to trigger further additions to other unsub lists such as the "company wide" list. Having to rely on staff to do so manually each time is not acceptable from a compliance perspective
3 votes -
Rate limit sends
Need the ability to rate limit the number of emails sent in an hours time, if a list/campaign is 12,000 contacts have a function that says deliver 5,000 emails per hour until finished. This will also help with keeping from being rate limited by recipient systems like Microsoft and Google and being put into a queue to retry or soft bounced.
15 votes -
Workflows are not workflows, they are single triggers
Workflows need to have ability to design in different parameters to trigger different follow-up emails. Example: Message 1 is sent, those who do not click get message 2, those that click get message 3, those who do not open get message 4. Those that do not click message 2 get message 5. that is a true workflow. Having only 1 trigger for an entire workflow does not work at all, even if the trigger fires for each subsequent email in the workflow.
9 votes -
conacter le suppot
j'ai besoin d'avoir le support pour modifier mon abo
1 vote -
Full Account Stats - Executive Dashboard
Top level Account/Sub-Account page showing high level statistics for each sub account. Have the same data range selector capability to show today, 7 days, etc. but show the graphs and totals for each on the same page along with an aggregate section of the entire account. This is more inline with an executive dashboard, having to go through menus to see each sub-account individually and manually calculate aggregate numbers is time consuming and ridiculous.
3 votes -
Subscription Widget notification messages presentation improvements
The two things I need help with are related to the notification messages associated with the Subscription Widget.
First, it appears messages display vertically centered in the space represented by the subscription widget’s space on the screen. There's "too much vertical" so the message gets lost because of all the scrolling required. I'd like to see more control over the placement of the messages, or at least position the messages at the top of the iframe.
Next, line breaks are not being honored in the confirmation message. We want to use a custom message with a few lines but what…
1 vote -
Use email send time when considering account throttling, not spam report time
We've noticed that reports of spam are counted at the time of the report, not the time the email was sent. So if a recipient received multiple emails over the course of a month and then decided later to mark them all as spam, we see an immediate spike in the spam counts. This means that a single recipient could cause our account to be throttled. We'd like to see the time the original email was sent factored into the spam reporting so that our account is not limited based on an action that we have no way of fixing.
4 votes -
Plus de filtres et conditions aux segments - More filters and conditions to segments
Les conditions et filtres de l'option de segmentation des listes de contacts sont très incomplètes. Il faudrait rajouter des fonctions pour segmenter les listes selon d'autres listes ou selon d'autres campagnes. On peut "ne pas envoyer la campagne B aux gens ayant ouvert la campagne A" mais par contre impossible de "ne pas envoyer la campagne B aux gens ayant recu la campagne A" ce qui est ridicule. L'absence de cette option est si aberrante que j'en viens à me demander si ce n'est pas fait exprès de la part de mailjet pour nous forcer à atteindre plus rapidement notre…
2 votes -
Compte bloqué pour non paiement, alors qu'il est tout nouveau valide jusqu'en 2023
Nous venons de payer 1000 euros pour ouvrir un compte (déjà client pour 10 comptes), mailjet suspend notre compte, alors qu'il est réglé pour 1 an jusqu'en 2023 ! Mailjet bloque nos emails pourtant valides (SKF etc.), et maintenant notre compte. Cela devient très lourd.
2 votes -
API route for Return Path customization
Add ability to customize return-path via API to avoid to do it manually (same as domain validation).
4 votes
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