786 results found
Support array data type for contact properties and segmentation on it
Support an array data type for contact properties.
We are using Mailjet to contact customers of our software. We need to message different segments of customers based on which features they subscribe to (or which permissions a user has). Because of the numbers of features/permissions and the ongoing addition of new ones, it isn't particularly viable to map this to a series of boolean contact properties.
If you natively supported an array/list data type, that's what we'd ideally use to store this information, and then set up segments accordingly. The most obvious comparison operators I can foresee wanting to use…
4 votes -
Communication in French for French speaking customers
Communication en Français pour les clients francophones
Mailjet était initialement une société française.
Maintenant racheté par une société US, je suis navré de constaté que je reçois des emails de votre part en anglais, notamment le dernier email relatif à " Update to our online policies".
Je ne suis pas anglophone et je pense que c'est une grave erreur de communiquer en anglais avec vos clients dont la langue est le français.
Je suis devenu client Mailjet car c'était une société française (RGPD etc.) .
Je reste pour le moment mais si vous communiquer avec moi en anglais, je…1 vote -
Receive warning email when campaigns reach their 400 days logs retention
Would it be possible to receive an email when campaigns reach their 400 days logs retention, it would avoid losing all history by downloading the files prevently
1 vote -
stats : real values instead of variables in objects in exports
L'outil des statistiques complètes https://app.mailjet.com/stats affiche les objets des emails avec leurs variables :
Exemple : "Où en est votre site [[DATA:first_name]] ?")
Serait-il possible que cet outil affiche le réel objet envoyé au client (avec la valeur de la variable donc ?)
Exemple : "Où en est votre site Florent ?")
Merci pour l'analyse de cette demande,
Bien cordialement,
stats : real values instead of variables in objects in exports
Hello,The complete statistics tool https://app.mailjet.com/stats displays the objects of emails with their variables:
Example : "What is the status of your site [[DATA:first_name]]?")
3 votes -
Avoir plus de 10 champs dans un formulaire - More than 10 fields in a form
Avoir la possibilité de mettre plus de champs dans un formulaire et proposer directement le choix entre menu déroulant ou checkbox actuellement nous sommes bloqué avec 10 champs maximum ce qui peut poser problème si l'on veut créer un formulaire très complet.
Have the possibility to put more fields in a form and propose directly the choice between dropdown menu or checkbox currently we are blocked with 10 fields maximum what can pose problem if we want to create a very complete form.
1 vote -
Remove bot and security opens and clicks
Any clicks and open events are registered in statistics, even if they were performed by bots or security systems. Currently you don't offer an option to differentiate those clicks/opens. So basically, the campaign metrics are nearly worthless without this knowledge, as we truly do not know who really opened and clicked. We have been doing follow ups the clicks and getting people telling us that they never opened and clicked on the email. Very frustrating. I highly recommend you fix this or I will need to move to another provider who does.
10 votes -
Notification for new subscribers
Benachrichtigung bei neuen Abonnent*innen
Für nachgelagerte Marketingaktionen wäre es sehr hilfreich, wenn man sich eine Benachrichtung/Email zusenden lassen kann, wenn es einen neuen Abonennten in einer Kontaktliste gibt. Aktuell bin ich darauf angewiesen mit täglich einzuloggen und zu schauen, ob sie jemand neues registriert hat. Bitte prüfen sie diesen Vorschlag udn geben sie mir Rückmeldung, ob sie in diesen in das Backlog ihrere Produktentwicklung übernehmen werden. In der Tat ist das in Zukunft ein sehr wichtiges Feature für uns, was auch entscheidend dafür wird, ob wir weiterhin bei Mailjet bleiben.===English===
For downstream marketing campaigns, it would be very helpful…2 votes -
Anmelde-Widget Kontaktlisten als Checkboxen zur Auswahl - Login widget contact lists as checkboxes for selection
Im Anmelde-Widget mehrere Kontaktlisten als Checkboxen zur Auswahl zur Verfügung stellen.
Provide multiple contact lists as checkboxes for selection in the login widget.
2 votes -
Multi contact deletion
Add the function of multi contact deletion to the account instead of requesting it be done through support.
7 votes -
Send Email Template to a List using Zapier
Your Email Templates are great. However being able to send a Template to a Contact List is not an option in Zapier it therefore renders it useless to me. I have no need to send an email to one person. I am sending emails to all my offices and their personnel via our platform which connects to Zapier. This is a huge deficiency in m opinion.
2 votes -
Universal Weblink for your Newsletter
Provide a universal weblink to your newsletter's content (that is not personalized like the "view online" link available in every newsletter) but enables you to share your newsletter with interested parties that are not subscribed or on social media.
2 votes -
Merge subscriber lists
I have several contact lists and would like to merge them. Unfortunately its not possible
Newsletter: I would like to choose more than one Suscriber List. Its not practical
1 vote -
Sorry, something went wrong.
"Sorry, something went wrong." is not helpful.
4 votes -
Estaría bien la funcionalidad de crear una encuesta en el propio cuerpo del mail.
It's a good idea to create a meeting in the mail's own body.
1 vote -
Segmentation when clicked on specific link
I would like to segment to people who have clicked on a specifik link in the newsletter.
3 votes -
I would like to do 1 or 2 question surveys in my newsletter and you don't have that function available and I think you should. Surveys are a great way to interact with the audience you're trying to reach
1 vote -
Customize style/appearance of confirmation message
I asked through a support ticket, and confirmed it's not possible to edit the appearance of the widget error or success messages that a visitor sees. I am able to edit the text, but can't change a font size or color to make the style match the rest of my site. I tried to put inline HTML into the confirmation message, and it did not render as HTML, but showed the HTML tag in the confirmation message. This is an important feature for us, as the confirmation message is quite ugly.
15 votes -
More specific data extraction
Extraction de données plus spécifiqueMadame, Monsieur,
Nous souhaiterions pouvoir disposer d'une nouvelle fonctionnalité nous permettant d'extraire la liste des désabonnés pour toutes nos campagnes à un instant T.
Par rapport à l'extraction actuellement réalisable nous souhaiterions que les données suivantes soient directement disponibles dans l'Excel :
- Email de la personne désabonnée
- Campagne dont est issue le désabonnement (nom de la campagne ou date de la campagne)
- Date du désabonnement
Merci d'avance pour votre retour sur cette prestation.
Bien à vous,===English===
Dear Sir/Madam,
We would like to have a new functionality allowing us to extract the list…1 vote -
Friendly "View email" link post sending campaign
After sending a campaign you can get a preview link of the email sent. We use that share with people who weren't on the mailing list but want to see the content. But the url is pretty ugly and some people come back and say it looks dodgy. eg:
http://x2qq4.mjt.lu/nl2/x2qq4/57y25.html?hl=enCould you give us a "prettier" url with a more legitimate looking domain name and then use the subject or campaign name to make it more friendly. This is an example of one we had with Mailchimp:
3 votes -
Nosotros trabajamos en una asesoría y seria fantástico poder programar correos recordatorios de repetición mensual. En nuestro caso, enviar todos los días 1 del mes recordatorio para que nos entreguen las facturas.
We work in a consultancy and it would be great to be able to schedule monthly repetition email reminders. In our case, send a reminder every day 1 of the month so that they deliver the invoices to us
1 vote
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