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  1. Die Möglichkeit einen Countown-Timer in einen Newsletter zu integrieren.

    Countdown timer
    The option to integrate a countdown timer into a newsletter.

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  2. Currenlty only Mailjet Support can set ReturnPath. We have hundreds of subaccounts and Mailjet involement is needed for the return Path Setting.
    In order to reduce effort on Mailjet side and also to help us in managing our own subaccounts better, it would be helpful that the Master-Account user is able to do the reurn path setting. If adding this to the frontend takes to much time, it would be enough as a first step, just to have an API for setting the returnpath.

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  3. If we want to use rounded buttons everywhere we are forced to use microsoft's VML in the conditional <!--[if mso]> tags.

    The problem that the links in them are not replaced with the tracked links, as they are not an <a href="> tag,
    but a <v:roundrect xmlns:v="urn:schemas-microsoft-com:vml" xmlns:w="urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:word" href="">

    It would be great if Mailjet supported replacing the href= inside VML tags as well as <a> tags

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  4. As a user I want to see feedback after clicking a validation email link so that I know if my sender address was validated or that I need to undertake an action.

    In my case:

    I added a sender to a SUB API KEY. I got the validation mail and then clicked it. It took me to the "account -> senders & domains" page (OF MY MASTER ACCOUNT) but didn't give me any feedback.

    My assumption is that the activation succeeded. Then when I try to send an e-mail using the new sender, I've got another mail from Mailjet saying…

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  5. Je suis intéressée par l'idée de pouvoir créer un paramètre au moment de la création d'une liste de contact qui donne la durée de conservation voulue de cette liste (pour se mettre au niveau du RGPD) par ex : 6 mois, 12 mois etc...

    Et créer une routine qui permettrait de scanner chaque jour toutes les listes, et si la durée de conservation est atteinte, supprimer toute la liste de contact et envoyer un mail au compte pour donner l'information de cette suppression.

    Cette idée permettrait de gérer plus facilement la politique RGPD et d'être automatiquement en règle avec celle-ci

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  6. Being able, for one campaign, to have the analytics by segment! If sending a campaign to people from different countries for example, being able to know the opening rate by country.

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  7. Afin d'optimiser le nettoyage des listes de contact :
    Lors de l'export de la liste de contact, il faudrait un champ supplémentaire qui indique si le contact est présent ou non dans la liste d'exclusion.

    Add field to contact list export
    To optimize the cleaning of contact lists:
    When exporting a contact list, an additional field should be added to indicate whether or not the contact is present in the exclusion list.

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  8. It would be great to include a "website" button in the social media buttons. I would like to direct people to our socials, but also to our actual website! I tried to upload my own icon, but the quality looked horrible in the allotted space constriction. Also allowing the icons to be larger than 32x32 pixels would be great visually and for accessibility!

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  9. Rétablir une zone "d'upload" des images par glisser/déposer.

    Re-establish a drag-and-drop image upload area.

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  10. Get rid of popup notifications. They are a hassle and unwanted.

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  11. Hello,
    Would be good to be able to view a list of recipients for example, that have had a bounced say 10 times or more or to be able to filter criteria. Would also be very useful to have more info on the error logs. You tell us to remove bounces but we need more info to make that call.

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  12. It is a nightmare to be forced to reset api secret key every time we want to view it. It prompts us to stock the key on a excel sheet to be able to add it on new services ( since we cannot have multiple keys on a sub account for the moment). Why dont you allow to see the secret key after a double authentification for instance ? This would be totally safe and we wouldn't have ti reset it every time and change all ours services.

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  13. Pouvoir débloquer des adresses qui sont en "Preblocked" sans avoir à passer par une demande de support

    Unblocking "Preblocked" addresses
    Unblock addresses that are "Preblocked" without having to go through a support request.

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  14. have the option for send any campaign = "send by open time of my users". If this splits the sending by the same rate % like the statitics of open time of all my users of the last 6 month, last 12 month, last 60 days.. and so on would be rather userfull

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  15. Pouvoir effacer complètement une camapagne : aujourd'hui, on peut effacer une camapagne, mais la version en ligne de celle-ci est encore accessible, sans limite de temps ! Il y a une parade, mais elle nécessite de passer par l'API et surtout de connaître l'ID de la camapagne concernée... or cette info disparait avec le temps dans Mailjet.

    Be able to delete the online version of campaigns sent
    Be able to completely delete a campaign: today, you can delete a campaign, but the online version of it is still accessible, with no time limit! There is a workaround, but it…

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  16. A subscriber's 'Last activity' timestamp is updated when the user:

    • opened a campaign or autoresponder
    • clicked a link in a campaign or autoresponder
    • subscribed to a list
    • unsubscribed from a list
    • bounced
    • marked as spam
    • confirmed a double opt-in subscription
    Subscribers are sorted by 'Last activity' in the list. Therefore, subscribers who did any of the above activity will float to the top of the subscriber list. You will also see changes in the 'Subscribers activity chart'.
    I really want to see this feature in to the dashboard because this will help in…

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  17. Our new process of building campaigns needs more granular control of the permission levels.

    We are using 5 templates per sub-account that are built by our design team and published, and then our marketing coordinators create campaigns from these. Because we work with 22 international automotive brands we then need to check the content, we also try to peer review before campaigns are sent.

    Can we have similar permission controls to the template levels, a user can create a campaign draft, and then it had to be published/approved by a user with a higher level before being able to be…

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  18. Sur la page d'une campagne, lorsque l'on veut exporter les statistiques de la campagne (ouvreurs et cliqueurs), serait-il possible d'ajouter la possibilité de choisir les champs que l'on souhaite exporter tels que nom de la société, nom et prénom du contact, etc.

    Choice of export fields for campaign stats
    On the campaign page, when you want to export campaign statistics (openers and clickers), would it be possible to add the option of choosing the fields you want to export, such as company name, contact name and surname, etc.?

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  19. Vorrei che fosse inserito la possibilità di notifica email di avvenuta iscrizione di un contatto su una lista mailjet tramite il form

    Notification of successful subscription to a list
    I would like to have included the ability to email notification that a contact has been subscribed to a mailjet list via the form

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  20. Ability to connect Mailjet to automation workflow systems (ie Zapier, Make, ect.) to export stats from Workflows

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