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  1. At the moment, if a user is already part of the contact list attached to the form, the subscription process still takes place normally (a confirmation email is sent, etc.).

    That's not how it should work IMO. The form should check whether the email is already existing in the attached contact list, and if it is the case, it should show a customizable error message, such as : "This email is already subscribed".

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  2. If we want to use rounded buttons everywhere we are forced to use microsoft's VML in the conditional <!--[if mso]> tags.

    The problem that the links in them are not replaced with the tracked links, as they are not an <a href="> tag,
    but a <v:roundrect xmlns:v="urn:schemas-microsoft-com:vml" xmlns:w="urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:word" href="">

    It would be great if Mailjet supported replacing the href= inside VML tags as well as <a> tags

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  3. If you send email to an internal account which hasn't been set up yet, Mailjet decides that it is an attempt to send spam and "preblocks" the address for 90 days. This doesn't make sense for internal accounts.

    For example, suppose I have a new employee named Susan and I add to a mailing list, or I send her mail through a system that uses the Mailjet API (which is the case that happened to me). But, oops, the person setting up the email account hadn't set it up yet! Mailjet now "preblocks" her address for three months and,…

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  4. Ich habe nun eine Dreiviertelstunde gebraucht um mich einzuloggen, weil es so lange dauert bis mir die Identfizierungscodes zugeschickt werden. Solange Mailjet nicht in der Lage ist diese Code zumindest bissen einer Minute zu verschicken, bitte vorerst auf diese Sicherheitsmaßnahme verzichten. So kann man nicht effizient arbeiten.

    Identification codes arrive with an enormous delay. Please do without this security measure for the time being
    It has now taken me three quarters of an hour to log in because it takes so long for the identification codes to be sent to me. As long as Mailjet is not able to…

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  5. When a webhook is deactivated, there is no way to see this as an administrator. Only support is able to see this.
    Please make the status visible.

    Mail from support:
    "That information (webhook status) is provided by a back-end tool we have. However, I can definitely see how beneficial this would be to view via app. We have passed along your feedback to the appropriate channels."

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  6. Mailjet is very complicated and hard to use. can we make it easy enough so non tech users like me can use it?

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  7. Bonjour,
    Nous utilisons un autre outil utilisant l'IA pour l'automation (relances panier, etc.).
    Des fonctionnalités sont vraiment utiles et nous permettent de gagner beaucoup de temps.
    Par exemple, le fait de renseigner l'url d'un produit, et la génération automatique des vignettes produits (titre, description, prix, CTA).
    Nous adorons cette fonctionnalité nous aimerions beaucoup la voir sur mail jet !!!


    AI for email creation
    We use another tool that uses AI for automation (shopping cart reminders, etc.).
    Some features are really useful and save us a lot of time.
    For example, filling in a product's url, and automatic generation…

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  8. Guten Tag,
    ich halte hier einmal fest, was mich schon immer stört:
    zum einen nervt mich eurer kurzes Timeout. Wenn man etwas bearbeiten muss und man wird mal von Kollegen gestört, dann ist man im nächsten Augenblick schon wieder abgemeldet. Es gibt Seiten, da bin ich den ganzen Tag angemeldet und fliege nicht raus.
    Was auch nervt, ist euer Captcha. Wenn man schon 2FA verwendet, warum muss man dann noch Captcha verwenden, diesen Müll. Es gibt besseres.
    Was ich schon ein paar mal geschrieben hatte, warum ist es euch nicht möglich, die Farben, die man in einem Dokument verwendet und…

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  9. Single Sign-On (SSO) should be available for all PREMIUM users regardless of whether they have 15,000 or 100,000 subscriptions

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  10. 1 vote

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  11. Send the last or current newsletter as soon as they sign up for the mailing list. That way they don't have to wait a month or however long it takes til the next one comes out to see if that's what they want. They can also opt out if they are not serious.

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  12. My application running in google app engine was unable to send emails for more than a day. All api invocations resulted in the connection being immediately closed from the mailjet side. The resulting ticket suggested it could be that the sending IP address was blocked owing to DOS prevention. But google cloud egress uses a shared pool of IP addresses so I have no influence over the ip address. Mailjet should accept the reality of the cloud situation and never block pooled ip addresses of reputable cloud providers. Mailjet is supposed to be a recommended service provider to google cloud…

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  13. Hey there. New user. Genuinely like the service. I think that adding emails to the list is just wayyyyy to cumbersome and laborious. I met a few people at an event last night. They really wanted to be added to the list for future shows. I wished I could have just entered them in my phone and be done. Instead I have to write down their emails and then come to my desk, sign in (which is also very slow with the image ID thing) get to my lists, select the cog widget, and THEN go through 4 steps to…

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  14. It was very difficult to sign in to your feedback site. I had to use the "forgot password" to "reset" my password. But I never had a password for the site, and had not forgotten my password.

    Apparently, the feedback site is its own site requiring one to create an account separately from your Mailjet account. That was not clear anywhere. If the feedback site said "you must create an account separate from your Mailjet account to access this site" then that would not be ideal, but would have prevented hours and days of frustration.

    The "Give Feedback" link from…

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  15. As a user of Mailjet, I would like the ability to add complete domains to (sub)accounts in bulk.

    Currently the way to do it is to do this per 1 domain. You first have to validate it, then you get forwarded to the screen for SPF/DKIM.
    I know you can theoretically setup SPF/DKIM ahead of time as this is the same for all the domains.

    However, as a customer with many domains, I would like the ability to add for example ~25 domains in one go. Then provide me all the validation TXT-records, and validate them in the background.


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  16. On the action list for importing contacts can we please have an option to be able to import and subscribe contacts based off a boolean in the CSV to support external lists of marketing (and then update contacts subscription status if they exist and based off the boolean)

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  17. Currenlty only Mailjet Support can set ReturnPath. We have hundreds of subaccounts and Mailjet involement is needed for the return Path Setting.
    In order to reduce effort on Mailjet side and also to help us in managing our own subaccounts better, it would be helpful that the Master-Account user is able to do the reurn path setting. If adding this to the frontend takes to much time, it would be enough as a first step, just to have an API for setting the returnpath.

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  18. As a user I want to see feedback after clicking a validation email link so that I know if my sender address was validated or that I need to undertake an action.

    In my case:

    I added a sender to a SUB API KEY. I got the validation mail and then clicked it. It took me to the "account -> senders & domains" page (OF MY MASTER ACCOUNT) but didn't give me any feedback.

    My assumption is that the activation succeeded. Then when I try to send an e-mail using the new sender, I've got another mail from Mailjet saying…

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  19. Serait il possible d'ajouter dans les statistiques l'ID du template email utilisé pour l'envoi ? Nous cherchons en effet à faire des stats d'ouverture et de clics selon nos templates et les exports actuels ne proposent que l'objet de l'email. Or nous avons plusieurs templates avec le même objet.

    Add template ID to statistics exports
    Would it be possible to add the ID of the email template used for sending to the statistics? We're looking for opening and click stats according to our templates, and the current exports only show the email subject. We have several templates with…

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  20. Being able, for one campaign, to have the analytics by segment! If sending a campaign to people from different countries for example, being able to know the opening rate by country.

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